she found out (pt 1)

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little : Nick
cg : Charlie
little age : 2-4
plot : Nick tells Sarah about his regression
warning : panic attack
extra: I am not making Sarah look like the bad guy!


"What were you doing in your room earlier?"Was the first thing that came out of Nick mom's mouth. "What do you mean?" Nick asked confused from his mom's question. "I heard.. babbling and a baby crying.." She muttered. "But it's probably just my bad hearing!" She laughed. Nick froze there, awkwardly laughing. The thought of telling Sarah about his age regression sticked to his mind. Would she be understanding or kick him out? She was understanding about his sexuality and he would've trusted her with anything. Although.. would it be a good idea?

Would she see him differently? I mean, imagine your child told you that sometimes they turn into a 3 year old. You would be confused. Weeks later it's been the same thing about her hearing him talk to himself in baby talk or crying bc he was tired and couldn't do anything about it. Nick decided to it and tell her. They were both in the kitchen. Sarah was making tea while Nick was watching tv with Nellie on his lap. He turned it off not even a few mins later and continued to chill on the couch.

"Mom.." He started. "Hm? Yes Nicky?" She turned to face him with the tea in her hand. "I- Uhm- have to tell you something.." He saw her face change from peaceful to concerning. "Is this a serious topic?" "Well yes kinda.." She nodded and walked over to sit next to him. She frowned at him while he fidgeted with his hands and looking at his lap, something he started doing a few months ago.

"Before I tell you this, please keep an open mind." He said, having the courage to look at his mom's face. "Okay.." "So I am.." He stopped to take a breath. "I am a little- or that's what they call it" Sarah nodded her head, focusing her attention on her son. She didn't knew what he meant and where this was going but he needed her full attention.

"That doesn't make sense Sorry! I age regress" After Nick said that, both of them went back and forth asking questions and explaining. After a few mins, Sarah spoke again. "So you're basically a 3 year old.." She said carefully. "Uhm yeah.." "Nick no- this can't be right" What she said shocked him. "This is probably something you heard of but.." She held his head with her hand. "Sorry I'm just.." Before she can even finish her sentence, Nick raced upstairs crying.

Charlie POV:

I was reading a new book I got. As some people know, I love books. The librarian and me and friends since I've been in there at least twice a month. She introduced me to a new romance mlm book and it's been my favourite so far! I was just chilling in my room since Tori is hanging out with Micheal, Dad is with Oliver because he got invited to a birthday party, and Mom is working a night shift.

My phone ringed beside me and I looked at the number. It was an unknown number, weird. I answered it carefully, hoping it wasn't another spam caller. "Hello?" I said. "Charlie thank goodness!" I heard nick's mom saying. "Nick's mom?" I shouted. "Why are you calling? Did something happen?" I said with more care in my words.

"I've said some things to Nick and- he left! I tried to open his door but I can't! You're his boyfriend right? Can you get him to calm down please?!" She panicked which isn't good so I tried to calm her down. "Okay calm down... tell me what happened with detail" I sat down getting comfy, knowing this conversion would be a bit long.


"I.." I was lost for words. I'm so proud of Nick having the courage to tell his mom that he is an age regressor but I'm just so upset that it didn't go the way I thought it would. "I know I've messed up Charlie but please sweetheart, can you talk to him?" She practically begged and I agreed. I didn't even bother to tell my parents that I was going out to nick's house. I changed from what was only my boxers to one of my comfy outfits, a grey sweatshirt and black jogging pants.

I raced downstairs to put on my classic black converse and open the door. Nick's house wasn't that far and it's a 8 minute walk maximum but I didn't have time to walk. Me being one of the fastest runners in my school made it there in 2 minutes. I knocked on the door and before I could even breath, nick's mom answered the door. She looked happy to see me. "Thank you sweetheart for coming" "I had to see Nick" I walked inside. "I won't bother you any longer, please see if he's alright"

I nodded and walked upstairs and knocked on his door. "g-go away.." He whimpered. "It's me Charlie sweetie" I knew he was in Little space from his high pitched voice. "d-dada..?" His voice was shaking. "It's me baby boy. Can I come in?" "Mhm.." I opened the door and saw him sitting on his bed, hands wrapped around him and his head in his lap, rocking himself back and forth. His breathing was stiff and unsteady and I knew what was happening.

Back when I was outed in front of the whole school, I had panic attacks. I rarely have them now but I knew what to do to calm myself down. "Darling.." I frowned and sat to him. "No no.." He held his head up, placing his hand on his chest where his heart is. "Hey hey it's okay. How about we breathe together?" He nodded and I took his hands into mines and brought his attention to me.

We both started breathing deeply together until he stopped panicking and held onto me, not letting go. "S-sowwy char.." He sniffed which broke my heart to see how sad he was. "Don't apologize little one. I'm just glad you're alright" I smiled at him. "How old are you? I asked" "f-fowr" he stuttered.

Nick's POV:

"Let's go get you changed hm?" I looked up at him and nodded, too tired to speak. I had an painful headache from the panic attack and I couldn't bother to speak. He picked me up and carried me to my closet. I had a shelf on my closet with all my little clothes. He took a green dinosaur onesie and laid me down on the bed. "Do you need pull-ups sweetie?" He asked and I shook my head. Sometimes when I'm too young, I use pull-ups but I was old enough to not use them.

"Alright" He took my clothes off and changed me into the dinosaur onesie. I could change myself (barley) but I was too tired for that. "Want your pacifier?" He asked and I nodded happily. Pacifiers are my comfort item. Whenever I'm nervous, I could just bite on it softly and whenever I'm happy, I could just comfy suck on it. He took my dinosaur pacifier and placed it in my mouth. "There's a matching pacifier to match your dinosaur onesie" He chucked and picked me up.

"Want to get some apple juice from the kitchen?" My eyes went wide. I couldn't, my mom is there! "Nwo nwo! Mommy ish there and I don't wan her to see mwe wike this!" I begged but he shushed me. "It's okay buddy. Don't worry about her. I'll convince her that you being an age regressor is fine" I signed and agreed.

Third person's POV: (sorry for changing between pov's so many times)

The boys walked downstairs and Sarah spotted them. "Oh Nick I-" She stopped when she saw his pacifier in his mouth, wobbling in the kitchen while holding Charlie's hand. They reached to the fridge and Charlie opened it. "What do you want to drink honey?" "Uhm- apple juice pwese?" Nick mumbled through his pacifier. "Of course kiddo" Charlie smiled, taking the apple juice carton from the shelf. Charlie didn't mean to ignore Sarah but to just show her what Nick meant by age regression.

Charlie closed the fridge and placed the apple juice on the counter. He opened the cabinet with all the cups and took a green and blue sippy cup. Nick's mom didn't throw out Nick's sippy cups from his childhood and that's what Nick always used in little space. He poured the apple juice in the sippy cup and closed the lid, handing it to Nick slowly. "Be careful sweetie" He chucked and Nick held onto it tightly. Knowing toddler's slippy hands, Charlie didn't want to risk it.

Charlie turned to Sarah's confused face. "How about we talk in the living room..? Together?" Charlie said and Sarah nodded. "Yes. Tea dear?" She asked. "Yes please Nick's mom" Charlie smiled and they sat on the couch. While nick's mom made Charlie's tea, Charlie talked to Nick who was fidgeting with his hands. "You'll be alright baby—" "nwo i's wont!" Nick mumbled. "mommy hate mwe!" "No she doesn't love. Why do you think that?"

"B-because she nu wike mwe wittle! must stay big!" Nick whimpered and his bottom lip wobbled. "She just doesn't understand Nick. Don't worry, char will make it better" He smiled.

A/N: I'll try to post part 2 soon!

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