bad memories

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little : Charlie
cg : Nick
little age : 0-3 but is 8 months in this
plot : Charlie is traumatized after meeting Ben
warning : trauma, mental abusive, detailed descriptions of after sa, swearing, and meltdown
extra: this time is after when Ben sa Charlie.
Au: Nick & Charlie are dating at this time, Charlie is autistic and Nick has adhd, and Charlie's mom is a bit more abusive/strict



Charlie'a body was tensed and he ignore his mom's calls from the kitchen. He ran upstairs and slammed his door. His body felt.. dirty. No not because he haven't showered in a while, he actually tries to shower every day, but because of the places he touched him. "Charlie Spring don't NOT slam the fucking door" His mother opened the door, slamming on the wall in his room.

Charlie jumped and turned behind him to see his mom standing at the door, her face red in angry. What the fuck mom.." He mumbled and didn't even bother to look at her. "What is wrong with you? You didn't even bother to say 'Hi mom' to me when you walked through the door. You are acting very disrespectful and I'm not in the mood for it".

Charlie was mentally prepared for the insults he was going to get. "You're a fucking disappointed. I don't even know why I bother to give birth to you. Hell- even Ollie is more mature and well behaved than you and he is fucking six years old and How old are you? Huh Charlie? 14 years old. Fucking 14." Charlie whimpered a bit, trying to not cry right there. He didn't want to look more childish and sensitive. It's already bad that him being gay means he is probably "sensitive".

"Look at me in the FUCKING eyes." Charlie jumped a bit and looked at her. His bottom lip whimpered and hot tears boiled in his eyes. "Boys do not cry Charlie spring. Step up and be a man. I don't give two fucks that you're gay. You're grounded for the next two months. That means no going out, no phone unless you need to text me, and you're not having dinner tonight. You can starve in your room. I swear to god if you come downstairs tonight, I'm adding another 5 months to your grounding. You're lucky I'm not like other parents who beat their child to death." She signed, catching her breath. "Good night Charles" She finally said and slammed the door, walking away thankfully.

Hot tears ran down Charlie'a face and he gasped for air. "Charlie I heard what happened-" Tori opened the door to find Charlie gasping and flopping like a fish for air. He held onto his chest with his hand and sobbed loudly. "Fuck Charlie" She ran up and held onto him tightly. "Hey look at me Charlie . Breath in and out with me" Tori breathed in and out slowly and Charlie tried to copy her but ended up crying more.

He heard the window open and didn't even bother to see what was happening. Everything was too loud. He covered his ears with his hands and sobbed more. "Thank you for calling Tori" He heard a familiar voice which seemed to be.. Nick? "Hey you're okay" Tori let go of Charlie and Nick hugged him tightly. Charlie couldn't helped but cry more. His boyfriend cares for him so much. "I'll get his headphones" Charlie whimpered and felt himself slip which is not a good idea.

Charlie usually regresses to a young age, especially when upset. And no I'm not talking 2 years old, 1 years old, but a few months old. Around 2 to 9 months old which is never good. Tori placed Charlie's noise cancelling headphones on and felt Charlie's sobs being a bit more quiet now until it finally became just soft whimpers. "You're okay baby boy.. daddy's got you okay?" They sat on the floor while Charlie just whimpered and shook in his arms.

Nick rubbed his back as Charlie looked around the room. "Da da.." He mumbled and started to suck on his thumb. "He's regressed to a very young age which is expected. Can you pass his pacifier and rattle Tori?" She nodded and headed to his closet. She pulled out a box which is wrote "Little stuff". She pulled out a cute plain baby blue pacifier and a matching baby blue rattle. "Open your mouth kiddo" Tori kneeled in front of Charlie.

Charlie opened his mouth slightly like she said and latched onto the pacifier happily. He started to do some happy stims by flapping his arms happily and took the rattle Tori had in her hand. He tilted his head being shaking it and loving the sound. Although the sound was very mumbled from the headphones, he loved the soft sound that it made.

"He's okay thank goodness. Thank you again Tori. Thank you so much." Nick thanked over over and over again. "Don't have to thank you. You're his boyfriend and I'm sure you know about him than me" She softly chucked. "But do you know what made him stressed out?" When Nick heard that, he signed and started to dig his nails into his hand like he normally does when he's nervous. "Y-You know Ben?" He muttered. "Yes I do.. what did Ben do Nick?" She said firmly.

Nick explained the whole thing and didn't bother to leave out any details, even those that were unnecessarily. He cried a bit explaining. The whole situation was stressful for both Charlie and Nick. "Oh Nick... that makes sense" They both looked at Charlie. He was tugging on school uniform and whined. He still felt so dirty. "He probably feels dirty.." Nick bounced his leg slightly and held onto Charlie. "I'll give him a bath and then I have to go. I have exams to study for you and my adhd won't bother me tomorrow if I don't study tonight"

"That's understandable. I'll take care of him tonight. I'm not busy tonight anyways" Nick nodded and stood up, bouncing Charlie on his hip. "We'll give you a nice bath okay? Dada will scrub you nice. Today is about you sweet boy" Nick kissed his forehead, frowning from the horrible experience he must've had.

A/N: too lazy to finish and might also make an little autistic and adhd Nick one shot.. how do you guys think about that?

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