One Day by Lone Scherfig

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The film opens with a short scene from the "current" day in 2006.

Dexter  and Emma meet on 14 July 1988 after their graduation. They spend the night together but agree to be just friends, and plan to spend the following day together, the 15th, St.'s day. The film chronologically reconnects Dexter, Emma or both of them on that one day over the next 18 years after they go their separate ways.

It's based on a book that I have read. I do recommend you read the book first. It's heartbreaking I'll tell you that. But it's also a beautiful. It's a story normal girls can relate to. You know that one guy who seems out of your league but can't help but pine over him for years together...yup this movie sums up that longing with a semi-happy ending.

Watch it. Because it's set in England! & I love that place, albeit I haven't actually been there. It's got really good looking people in it ( the movie, I'm sure England does too).

A story of a friendship that spans a life time painted with significant music.

I give it a 4.2/5 stars

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