The Vow by Michael Sucsy

248 5 0

Paige Collins and her husband Leo  come out of a movie theater. On their way home, at a stop sign, Paige unbuckles her seat belt to lean over and kiss Leo. At that very moment, a truck rams their car from behind and Paige crashes through the windshield. Both of them are rushed to the emergency room, and as Leo, in a voice-over talks about how "moments of impact help in finding who we are" the movie cuts to how Paige and Leo first met. The scenes of how they courted, proposed and married at the and share a kiss under the are interwoven with the present.

When Paige regains consciousness, she thinks Leo is her doctor, having lost all memories of the past few years. woooh drama,drama!

Hello it's Tatum in the house? Every woman should/has/must/will/ watch Tatum. 

umm 3.5/5.

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