Casanova by Lasse Hallstrom

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A young woman tearfully leaves her son () to live with his grandmother and promises to return for him someday. Several years later, in 1753, in , Casanova (), is notorious for his with women, his adventures being represented in around the city. The , the ruler of the city, is sympathetic to Casanova, but cannot be too lenient on him as to avoid trouble with the church. He warns Casanova that he must soon marry or he will be from the city.

Casanova is falling in love with Francesca (), who writes illegal books under the name of a man, Bernardo Guardi, and argues for as Dr. Giordano de Padua. Her mother () pushes her to marry Paprizzio (), a rich man from whom she has never seen. When Paprizzio arrives in Venice, Casanova lies to him and says that the hotel he booked is closed and he persuades him to stay at his house. Casanova also lies and says that his nom de plume is Bernardo Guardi. While Paprizzio, preparing to visit Francesca, stays at Casanova's house, Casanova visits Francesca, pretending to be Paprizzio.

Piazza San Marco, , 18th century.

During the , Casanova confesses his true identity to Francesca, which makes her angry. Casanova is arrested by the Venetian Inquisition for crimes against sexual morality, such as , , and fornication with a . He saves Francesca by pretending to be Bernardo Guardi, which impresses her very much. At his trial, Francesca reveals that it is in fact she who is Bernardo Guardi, and both are sentenced to death.

Just as Casanova and Francesca are about to be hanged in the , they are saved by an announcement that the Pope gave amnesty to all prisoners who were to be executed on that day, as it was the Pope's birthday. It is later discovered that the "Cardinal" who gave the announcement was actually an impostor who happens to be Casanova's stepfather, wedded to his long-lost mother who came back for him just as she promised when Casanova was a child.

As they all escape on Paprizzio's boat, Francesca's brother, Giovanni (), stays behind to continue Casanova's legendary womanizing.

I give it a 3.6/5 stars

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