Cast Away by Robert Zemeckis

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In 1995, Chuck Noland is a time-obsessed , who travels worldwide resolving productivity problems at FedEx depots. He is in a long-term relationship with Kelly Frears, with whom he lives in , . Although the couple wants to get married, Chuck's busy schedule interferes with their relationship. A Christmas with relatives is interrupted when Chuck is summoned to resolve a problem in . While flying through a violent storm, his plane crashes into the . Chuck escapes the sinking plane and is saved by an inflatable but loses the raft's . He clings to the life-raft, loses consciousness, and floats all night before being washed up on an island. After he awakens, he explores the island and soon discovers that it is uninhabited.

Several FedEx packages from the crashed plane wash up on the shore, as well as the corpse of one of the pilots (which he buries). He initially tries to signal for rescue and makes an escape attempt with the remnants of his life-raft but cannot pass the powerful surf and the surrounding the island. He searches for food, water, shelter, and opens the packages, finding a number of potentially useful items. He leaves one package, with a pair of wings painted on it, unopened. During a first attempt to make fire, Chuck receives a deep wound to his hand. In anger and pain, he throws several objects, including a from one of the packages. A short time later he draws a face in the bloody hand print on the ball, names it Wilson, and begins talking to it.

Four years later, Chuck is dramatically thinner, bearded, with longer hair, and wearing a . He has become adept at spearing fish and making fires. He also has regular conversations and arguments with Wilson, his volleyball friend. A large section from a washes up on the island; Chuck uses it as a sail in the construction of a raft. After spending some time building and stocking the raft and deciding when the weather conditions will be optimal (using an he has created in his cave to monitor the time of year), he launches, using the sail to overcome the powerful surf. After some time on the ocean, a storm nearly tears his raft apart. The following day, Wilson falls from the raft and is cast away into the ocean, leaving Chuck overwhelmed by loneliness. Later, a passing cargo ship finds him, drifting.

Upon returning to civilization, Chuck learns that he has long been given up for dead; his family and acquaintances have held a funeral, and Kelly has since married Chuck's dentist and has a daughter. After reuniting with Kelly, the pair profess their love for each other but, realizing a future together would be impossible because of her commitment to her family, they part. Kelly gives Chuck the keys to the car they once shared. After buying a new volleyball, Chuck travels to to return the unopened FedEx package to its sender. The house at the address is empty, so he leaves the package at the door with a note saying that the package saved his life. He departs and stops at a remote crossroads. A woman passing by in a pickup truck stops to explain where each road leads. As she drives away, Chuck notices the illustration on her truck is identical to the one on the parcel. Chuck is left looking down each road and then towards the departing woman in the truck, smiling as the wind blows in her direction.

If you wanna ugly cry then...
I give it 4.2/5 stars

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