"Stay with me"

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Status: MIA
Location: unknown
*Katie's pov*

I had passed out. I didn't even realize it until i found my self opening my eyes looking around. I could see ghost laying only a few feet from me, my vision was blurry so I couldn't tell if he was moving or not.

Please don't be dead.

I tried to get up but fell back down. I was lying on my side so I moved over onto my back and reached up towards my vest trying to push the comm button.

"This is Bravo 1 to price, do you copy?" I said through slow breaths as I tried to catch my breath. The initial fall to the ground took the wind out of me.

Shit. My comm link was broken from the fall.

I tried to assess myself and see if I was injured but I was still running on adrenaline at this point so I couldn't tell. I tried to calm myself down, i couldn't go into shock because if I did there's no hope of getting out of here alive, ghost was still down so it was up to me now to get us out of here.

I looked down at my uniform and it was all bloody, i really wasn't sure if it was mine or not. I put my hand up to my forehead and pulled it away. Blood. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a concussion but I tried not to think about it too much, even though my head hurt like hell.

I moved over on to my stomach, this sent a shock from my toes up to my chest which made me shriek.
Everything hurt.
My breathing was ragged, I felt like I might have punctured a lung when I fell or maybe a piece of shrapnel hit me.

I clenched my teeth as I began crawling on my stomach to where ghost still lay motionless on the ground. He had blood all over him as well.

Every inch I crawled on my stomach sent shocks through my body, I had to stop every now and then to make it stop and calm down,but I kept going I had to make sure he was okay, I was still mad at him for what he did and said to me, but he was a brother in arms so I had to make sure he was okay and help him out.

"Ghost." I said through labored breaths. I grabbed his shoulder and shook him.

His eyes slowly opened. He had a cut on his face that extended from the bridge of his nose up to his left eyebrow but I couldn't tell exactly how deep it was cause he had his mask on. But it didn't look too bad, he took most of the impact as he grabbed me and covered me as the bomb exploded so I'm surprised he didn't look worse.

His breathing was labored as well as he woke up in a panic.

"Hey it's just me." I said as I took my hand off his shoulder.

"Thought we lost you for a second." I said

"Fucking hell. What happened." Ghost said as he sat up rubbing his eyes.

"We got sent airborne by a bomb that's what happened." I said as I turned back over and laid on my back. Laying on my stomach hurt like hell.

I winced and clenched my teeth as I slowly rolled back over onto my back. I just laid there looking up at the sky.

"Are you alright." Ghost said as he knelt down beside me.

"I think so. Are you?" I said through labored breaths I felt like I had dirt in my lungs or something.

"I'm fine. We need to get out of here and back to the heli. You look pretty messed up." Ghost said as he looked over me.

"Oh well thanks for the compliment jeez.I'm fine. You need checked out you have a cut on your face." I said as I looked up at him. He actually looked a little worried.

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