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Status: active
Location: Task Force HQ - medical wing
Timeline of events: present day - two days after accident

-Song inspo: 'Ho Hey' by the Lumineers-

*Katie's POV*

——————————————————————————My eyes fluttered open as I slowly opened my eyes

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My eyes fluttered open as I slowly opened my eyes. The bright lights of the hospital room were blinding so I just closed my eyes again, trying to get them to re-adjust. I moved my head side to side slowly, groaning from the aching head wound I had received on impact from the fall. I looked down and saw all sorts of wires running across my body, I had an IV in my arm and an oxygen mask over my nose. I wanted to just rip it off my face, I hated shit being strapped on my face. But I figured I'd better not.
I saw the nurse call button and pressed it. I could hear a ding go off outside the room before an older woman came in.

"Hey darlin' how we doin'!" She said with a smile.
She was an older lady with a thick southern accent. I could tell I was in good hands, she had just walked in but I knew I could trust her just by her demeanor.

"We we're startin' to think you weren't gonna wake up." She said as she walked over messing with the computer next to my bed.

"H-how long was I out." I said with a tired and strained tone of voice.

"Two days darlin'" she said as she looked over at me putting a hand on my IV to check it.

"Damn." I said closing my eyes and laying my head back.

"I bet your hungry, I'll have the doc come in and check ya out before I go and see about some food for ya ok darlin' ?" She said with a smile as she started walking out.

I just mumbled an "ok" as she left which made her chuckle.

I hope ghost is ok. I didn't get the chance to ask. Everything is still a little foggy.

"Well, welcome back to the land of the living!" The doc said as he entered my room with a laugh, the nurse following behind him.

"What's that mean." I said still groggy from the shit-load of pain meds I was on.

"Well, we almost lost ya on your way over here." He said as he raised his eyebrows.

I knew it was bad but I didn't think I knocked on deaths door.

"Oh..." I really had no words.

"But the important thing is, is your okay and your partner is too." He said as he went to the computer, typing in something.

"Partner" is a bit of a reach. But I'm too tired to correct him.

"Should I let the captain know she's awake?" The nurse said to the doc.

"Yes, that would be a good idea." He said as he nodded his head in her direction.

"Alright, I'll be right back sweetie, I'll see if I can smuggle some snacks up here for ya ok?" She said with a grin as she walked out.

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