Chapter 6~ A Hard Reality

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~Mitch's POV~

My body was tired and bruised. The bed I laid on felt like heaven to my aching skin. Every time I moved pain shot through my nerves. I let out slow breaths as the door opened and the headmaster walked in with a wide grin on his face. Mat followed shortly behind him, a small phone in his hand. I gritted my teeth, not knowing what they were going to do to me today. "You know Mitch, you brought this on yourself," the headmaster sighed as Mat roughly grabbed my arm. I tried to pull away but the pain that shot through me stopped me from doing so. I wanted to scream but no noise would come out. Mat snickered as he pinned my arm above my head. I noticed the headmaster had left leaving me and Mat alone.

"Mitch, I almost feel bad for you, but I want to feel the amusement of watching you break." I tried to hit him using my other arm but he swatted it away making a wave of pain shot through my arm. I laid there, defenseless, as Mat stared at me, debating on what he should do. The grin on his face grew as he turned the phone on. "Mitch," he said clicking things on the phone then showing it to me.

"I will defile you and let your precious Jerome watch." My eyes widened at his words. I was scared, the thought of this made me want to run away. But Mat held me down, staring at me like this was some sort of game. I didn't want Jerome to see me in this pitiable state. I glared at Mat which only made him snicker.

"You piece of shit," I managed to say as Mat grabbed my side. He laid the phone down as he lowered his face to mine. Unable to move, I felt Mat lift my shirt up exposing my bruised skin. Mat looked down, running his hand along my chest.

"What a masterpiece." I closed my eyes, holding back tears that felt like they would escape. I was unable to move my body, unable to deny Mat, and I felt like trash.

~Seto's POV~

The park I was headed to slowly came into sight. I was hesitant about coming but I finally decided to go. The park was fairly populated but it was still almost silent. I walked around for a little bit not knowing where to meet. I was nervous about meeting Brice, not knowing what to say once I saw him. I sat down on a bench and just waited, hoping he wouldn't come. I stared at the sky as the wind blew, the silence calming my nerves. It had been a couple of minutes and I was already regretting my decision to come. I pulled my hood over my head and put my hands in my pockets hoping that if he did come he wouldn't see me.

The rustling of rocks made me turn my head in the direction of the noise. I was surprised to see Brice standing there, face all read, and tired like he had been running. "Seto," he said, his breath shaky as he tried to calm down. I didn't say a word, just stared at him. "I'm sorry," he lowered his head as he kept talking, "I'm sorry that I was unsure, that I hesitated. I feel stupid for doing what I did, but there were somethings that I needed to think about before I could talk to you again." My eyes widened as I started to realized what he was saying.

"What do you mean?" I couldn't grasp the meaning behind his words and it didn't help that he was hesitant about talking. He shifted his weight from one foot to another as he clenched his teeth. I could tell he didn't want to say what he was going to say.

"I.." he stopped himself before looking me in the eyes, "I know you may hate me for saying what I'm going to say but I just can't live with myself if I don't tell you." I stared at him, almost glaring, as he lowered his eyes. He sighed before saying what he really wanted to say. "I know what happened 7 years ago." I tilted my head in confusion at what he just said. Just like a brick, the realization hit me when I fully understood him.


Can anyone guess what he's talking about?

A short chapter, I know, but I'll have another chapter out by the end of this week to make up for it. I really hope you guys have enjoyed this ^(^.^)^ and maybe leave some feedback down below v(^.^)v.



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