Chapter 2~ Don't Lie

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~Ty's POV~

I was filled with shock at what I saw. Adam was standing outside fiddling with something in his hand. Without thinking, I grabbed the doorknob and flung the door open. Adam was about to get in his car when he noticed me. I took a few steps outside as he closed the car door, "T-Ty..."

"Were you just planning on leaving me here." His face filled with shock and I felt heartbroken when he looked away. "Not again Adam, please," I said quietly. He sighed then turn back to me.

"Ty that wasn't what I was planning on doing. I just didn't want you to get hurt anymore."

"It hurts more knowing I don't have you with me," I mumbled looking down. It was quiet for awhile before I heard footsteps on the concrete. I felt arms wrap around me as my face was buried into a chest. I felt a few tears escape my eyes but i quickly stopped myself.

"I'm sorry," Adam's voice filled my ears. I slowly lifted my arms and wrapped them around Adam. We stayed like that for awhile until I heard a door open. Panicking, I unwrapped myself from Adam and turned to face my mother.

"Ty," she said in a sweet voice, "if it isn't a big deal why not invite him in for lunch." I nodded and motioned for Adam to go inside. Once inside, my mom whispered to me, "don't worry, he told me everything," putting emphasis on everything. I felt my face heat up at the thought of what he could have told her. I walked into the kitchen seeing Adam already sitting at the table and I sat next to him. My mom brought in some things she fixed and set them on the table.

"Thank you," Adam said taking a plate. I did the same and grabbed some food from the bowls. The phone had started to ring so my mother went to answer it leaving us alone. "Ty."

"Hmm," I replied taking a bite of my food. Adam started to move his food around on his plate with his fork. I turned my head towards him wondering what he wanted.

"Would you like to play a game?" he smirked and I glared at him.

"Not funny," I said going back to eating my food. After a minute I saw my mom come in with a worried look on her face.

"Someone named Jerome, who knows Mitch, called saying something bad has happened and he needs your help." Her voice was filled with sadness and I could tell something was wrong. I stood up from the table not knowing what to do. Adam stood up as well and I suddenly knew what to do.

"I'm going to Mitch's," I told her heading to the door. Adam followed me and I quickly put my shoes on. I looked at Adam who nodded at me. We headed out the door and took Adam's car to Mitch's house. Hopefully what had happened wasn't anything to bad.

~Brice's POV~

I sat down on the couch looking at the t.v. which was flashing with colorful lights. I thought about all the things that had happened and if Seto was going to be alright. Right now I was in Seto's house waiting for him to wake up. Seto lived by himself so I didn't have to worry about his parents. I looked at the time which read eleven o'clock. I leaned back looking up at the ceiling. I heard a creak from the stairs and I figured Seto must be up.

"B-Brice," I heard his voice from the stairs making me turn around. His face was filled with shock before a smile showed its self. He walked over to me and sat down on the couch.

"I'm glad you're alright," I told him putting an arm around his waist. He leaned his against my shoulder. We stayed like that for a few hours just watching t.v. After a little while, we both got up to get food. I fixed us some Ramen and sat down at the table with Seto. We ate our food in silence just wanting to savor the moment. Looking at Seto now, I kind of feel like i made the wrong decision.


Chapter 2~ YAY ^(^.^)^. Hope you're satisfied #Sorry. Anyway hope you enjoyed, maybe like (>^.^)>.



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