Chapter 4~ Broken

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~Ty's POV~

"What?!" I exclaimed, slamming my hands on the table. I couldn't believe what Jerome had said but I knew I had to. Jerome was sitting on the couch, you could tell he had been crying from his puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Does this mean he's back?" Adam questioned. He was sitting on the opposite couch of Jerome, one leg crossed over the other. The thought of him being back infuriated me.

"He can't be, i thought he went to jail." I looked from Adam to Jerome hoping this was all just a mistake. Jerome shook his head, looking away from us.

"If what Mat said was true then that means he's back for vengeance." Adam stayed quiet for the rest of the time as me and Jerome discussed what we could do. That guy is back and we need to get Mitch back. i called my mom and told her I was staying over at Mitch's for a couple of days. She didn't seem really upset but accepted it without complaint. I walked back into the living room, Jerome had his head in his palms. It was getting late so I suggested we get some rest. Mitch would sleep in Mitch's guest bedroom while Adam and I slept on the couch. We fell wondering why he would do this. What are his motives?

~Seto's POV~

I sat on the couch staring at my phone in utter shock. My heart has been broken and the more I read the text, it feels like it breaks again. I wanted to cry but no tears would come out. How could he do this all of a sudden? Leave me and only send a text saying "Sorry Seto, but it's not gonna work out for awhile." I threw my phone on the chair, slowly slumping into the couch.

"What is wrong with my life." I closed my eyes, hoping the pain in my head would go away. i grabbed my chest as tears flowed from my eyes. 'Why me' I thought.

Everything was dark. The only thing that could be seen was the flickering light of a fire. I was in a forest surrounded by trees that hid the contents of my fears. Growling  could be heard not to far away and I became scared of what could happen. A female voice resounded in my ears but i couldn't make out what she was saying. A dark figure came out from the trees and its body resembled a dogs. I backed up as the dog barred its teeth at me, growling loudly. Laughter could be heard from the building that slightly stood taller than the trees. Everything slowed as the dog ran at me, mouth open wide ready to bite. "Goodbye Seto," the female voice resounded as the dog reached my face.

I blinked slowly, breathing heavily in a cold sweat. Little lines of light entered the room showing me it was day time. using the back of my hand, I wiped my forehead and slowly sat up.

"It was..a dream?" I said, a little confused. As I started to fully wake up the memories of last night hit me. I brought my knees to my chest and buried my head in them. "What an idiot," I said to myself, almost regretting everything.


Ahhhh, Chapter 4. Sorry its so short, I'll try to make the others longer. I hope you enjoyed and maybe like (>^.^)>. Also sorry this took so long to post. Well anyways



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