Chapter 3~ Torturous Life

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~Mitch's POV~

I looked through one of the side windows trying to see who was out there. Jerome stood on my front step waiting for someone to open the door. I paused for a moment, deciding on what i should do. I quickly walked to the door and opened it. Jerome looked surprised as i unexpectedly hugged him. He hugged me back before we pulled away. "I missed you Jerome," I told him, standing outside, closing the door behind me. He smiled as we stood there staring into each other's eyes. Jerome had come to pick me up since we planned on doing stuff today. After breaking our eye contact, we both walked to Jerome's car, myself slightly behind him. I felt myself get a little dizzy but i shook it off as I got into Jerome's car.

"You ready, biggums?" He asked as we pulled out of the driveway. I nodded as i watched the houses and trees fly by. I didn't know where we were headed since Jerome wanted to keep it a surprise. Once we were at our designated stop, I looked around trying to figure out where we were. The place looked like a park but seemed more peaceful than one. I hopped out of the car waiting for Jerome to show me where to go. As I started to follow Jerome I felt a wave of dizziness hit me then everything went black.

"J-Jerome," were the last words I said before losing consciousness.

~Jerome's POV~

I parked the car in one of the more peaceful parks I found where me and Mitch were to have our date. I turned the engine off off and hopped out to show Mitch where to go. I motioned for him to follow me and he did so.

"J-Jerome," I heard Mitch's voice say making me turn around in confusion. I saw Mitch slightly wobbling back and forth, his head lowered to the ground.

"Mitch?" I questioned, wondering what was wrong. I walked up to him slowly as he soon stopped wobbling.

"Stay away," he said sternly. I flinched at his words and grabbed his hand to comfort him but he quickly pulled it way. "Don't touch me," he said, slight annoyance showing in his voice.

"Mitch whats wrong." I felt tears start to form in my eyes but I pushed them back as i walked closer to him.

"Didn't you hear what I said, I told you to stay away from me," he said now looking at me. His face showed disgust and hatred which broke my heart to see.

"Mitch this isn't funny," I said trying to get him back to normal.

"This isn't a joke. I never loved you, not a faggot like you." I felt my whole body go numb at the words he just spoke. My heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces and could never be fixed. I couldn't stop the stream of tears that were coming down my face as those words replayed in my head. I saw a smirk appear on Mitch's face as a shadow appeared from the trees.

"Oh Mitch, well done," the person said while clapping. I glared at them as they put an arm around Mitch's shoulder. Mitch didn't seem to resist what the person was doing, making me angry.

"Who are you?" I asked still glaring at them. The person smiled, letting out a small laugh.

"Me? Oh Jerome, you honestly don't remember? We used to have a good history together." I tried to thick back to what he was talking about but nothing came to mind. "The Game," he said seeming like he knew I couldn't remember. After he said that it dawned on me who it was.

"Mat," I said with a gasp.


Chapter 3! This has to be the chapter i hate the most. I cringe every time I read it @.@. Anyway I hope you enjoyed (maybe not) and maybe like (>^.^)>.



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