Chapter 7

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REAL FEELINGS JUST DON'T GO AWAY EASILY. That's what keeps spinning in my mind in the passing times. No matter how hard I tried to forget my feelings for Elmer, I couldn't do anything. Both of us are back to normal. We always talk and laugh. There seems to be no gap between the two of us. He treated me like he usually did. Always smiling and laughing. My feelings for him just got deeper. No matter how much I tried to hold back, my feelings only deepened to him.

When you suppress your feelings for someone, it only gets deeper and worse. I'm afraid I'll do something beyond my control again. I don't want Elmer and I to avoid each other, so much as possible, I control my feelings. Even that kiss. He didn't bring it up. Maybe Elmer just doesn't have that because at that age he has already been kissed a lot. I heard he had lots of ex-girlfriends. He was popular when he was still in school and many higher years were rooting for him. That implied he had lots of experiences, too. Maybe I was the only one who thought it was a big deal since it was my first kiss.

"I'm having a hard time. I want to move on," I said to Gianne over the phone. I was lying in bed that afternoon. It was the weekend so no school. Gianne laughed. "Give up now? You haven't even confessed yet, have you?

"Hays. I know I have no hope even if I confess to him. He doesn't see me that way. He only treats me like a younger sister," I said. "I don't want us to avoid each other. I don't want us to have a gap. I'm already having a hard time because of our age gap, will we still have a gap after being friends? I can't handle it anymore."

"So, you accept unrequited love as the peg of your love life?" "That's it." I sighed. "I'd rather choose to be like this than lose what we have. I'll stop my feelings for him."

"You can't just stop those feelings." Gianne's voice became serious. "Just move on. "Do you know anything?"
"Know which one?"

I sighed again. "Knowing where someone is selling a move-on . I will buy a kilo. I'm going to do a straight walk to get out right away"

Gianne just laughed at what I said. She said she sounded troubled and stressed. If she only knows what I'm feeling, she might immediately light a few candles in my heart that keeps breaking every time I think not. Elmer and I can be.

Gianne and I agreed to meet at a nearby mall. She said he was going to introduce me to a guy who is studying at a university. Even if he doesn't say it, it looks like "Cupida" is the word outside, and I'll go on a blind date. I didn't like it at first because it wasn't my thing. But he tried everything. to me and said "If you want to forget that feeling, you must replace it with another feeling." I will divert my attention to another man. They said I should just try and have nothing to lose.

I sighed. Fine.

I've fixed up and beautified. Because of my fair complexion, whatever I wear goes well. I was just seventeen years old yet I looked so fabulous. But it still doesn't make sense even if I'm this beautiful if Elmer doesn't see me the way I saw him. It would be useless. This was the right time to move on from the feelings that couldn't even be released. This was the right time to finish the story that had not even started.

When I got off, I immediately looked for Elmer to say goodbye that I was going to the mall. I couldn't see him so I circled the whole mansion first. I had reached the back when I heard him speak. He is talking to Impaktitang shannah. I peeked at what they were doing. He was sitting on a bamboo chair while Shanna was sweeping.

"What do you think of Yuki , Elmer?" asked the shocked Shanna. "What kind of look" Elmer answered with a smile.

"What you've seen as in seen" said Shanna while grabbing the clutter. "Because from what I can see, you look at her differently, eh. There seems to be something. The care you show Yuki is different. Even if you don't speak and just look at her, you're smiling. It's obvious that you're happy when you see her . Do you like him?"

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