Chapter 9

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I COULD NOT ERASE THE SMILE OFF MY LIPS WHILE looking at the precious ring. No matter how many times I look at it while wearing it on my hand, I never get tired of it and I know I will never get tired of looking at it. It was my most treasured possession at that moment. This was not just an ordinary ring; this was the proof of me and Elmer's undying love and promises to each other.

I wouldn't mind trading everything I had just to not lose this ring and this feeling. Even if I lose everything I have, just not this and the man I love the most. Even if I suffer, it's okay because when I'm with him, I still feel like the richest and luckiest woman in the world. Having him beside me made me fall was living in pure bliss, The happiness caused is of a different kind- limitless and boundless happiness.,

when I was just five years old and my grandmother was still alive, she used to tell me, "Grand-daughter, there are things in the world that money can't buy. No matter how much money you have, there's still something you can't buy." just because you want to . But when you get these things, you have to appreciate them. It's hard to get back something that money cant buy."

I was confused by what Lola said before because I was very young then. And besides, I was confused by what she said that I can't buy even if I have a lot of money. I was born from a rich family. I could easily ask for anything I wanted. I'm still young, but I get everything I want without difficulty. But when I was growing up, I started to understand what her precious words truly meant. There are things that money cannot buy such as attention, care, time, happiness and love. But once you get it, you have to appreciate it.

Today, I finally understood what my grandmother truly wanted to say. I would now treasure these things that money couldn't buy. The things that money can't buy, I got now because of a man- one guy who was my everything. Because of him, I finally got these things that my parents could not afford to give. Because of him, I knew what love truly meant. And because of him, my old self didn't exist anymore.

"I'm just noticing, you keep staring at that ring while you're singing. I'm jealous. Your attention is always on that."

Elmer and I were lying on the balcony of my room staring at the sky. We laid out my soft comforter so it wouldn't hurt my back. It was night, but not too dark because there were so many scattered stars in the sky. Those stars were like diamonds, shining together to each other, just like my love for Elmer that grew even brighter each day.

I glanced at Elmer. He was also looking at me but not smiling. Frowning. I suddenly smiled because of his reaction. Also the ring he gave me when he was jealous? It's really like a child sometimes, hays.

"I'm just happy with the Ring," I said, then straightened up. I made his arm like a pillow. "Are you also jealous? You are really different, Elmerrr."

He frowned even more. "Of course, seized by That ring is your attention, eh. I feel like you love that more than me." You look crazy. Of course I love it because it's the proof of your love and promises to me," I said. "Besides, I wouldn't be able to get it if it wasn't for you. That's why I love you the most."

Elmer smiled. "Just kidding," he said, then suddenly hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. "I really love you, Yuki. I don't know what will happen to me if you leave me. I might go crazy, I might lose my head. Wherever you go, I'll follow you. But just don't go to another country because there's nothing my money to buy a plane ticket." He suddenly laughed.

"I'm not going to another country and I'm not leaving your side," I answered, then looked up to meet our eyes. "No matter where I go, it's fine as long as I'm with you. Anywhere. Even if I suffer and even if I lose everything, I'll accept it. But what I can't accept is when we're suddenly separated. I might be crazy like you."

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