part 5

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Night. Kendall is lying on the bed, arms and legs spread out. She was in no mood to sleep, after a recent incident in the hospital. The father was already aware that his beloved daughter was addicted to forbidden substances. But on the contrary, he did not want to scold her, he understood how she felt.
Knocking lightly on the door with his knuckle, Kendall's father expected his daughter to let him in. Without hearing "Come in" or "Open," he slipped an envelope under the door.
- I found it in the mailbox, I think it would not be bad for you to distract yourself from sad thoughts..
The father walked away from the door and went to his room.
After waiting 5 minutes, Kendall got out of bed and picked up the letter. A white envelope with pink patterns and a bright inscription, smelling of a pleasant floral fragrance, was waiting for it to be opened. Taking out the letter, it said: "Hi, Kenny! This is my personal invitation to my birthday party. It will be held in my house at 31 Terrfy Street. With love, your Rachel Jesse"
Kendall was not up to parties at all. She threw the letter into the farthest corner of the bedside table and flopped back into bed.
The weekend lasted very slowly. Kendall was still lying in bed, hugging a wet pillow from tears. Suddenly her phone starts ringing and receiving a ton of notifications. Looking into her phone, she noticed an incoming call from Landon. Quickly sitting on her knees, she began to wipe her tears with her fingers, thereby smearing the eyeliner. Answering the call with trembling hands, Kendall tried not to stutter.
- Hey, are you busy this weekend? We can go to Rachel's party. Did she send you an invitation?- a pleasant voice came from the phone.
- And, uh, an invitation? - Kendall didn't understand what was going on at all, then she guessed what was going on. Getting out of bed, she started looking for the letter. Somehow finding it thrown under the nightstand, the girl quickly reread it. With notes of shyness, she echoed the agreement.
9 p.m. Cafes are opening, saxophone music is playing in the streets, lanterns illuminate the alleys, and cars drive under the instructions of the traffic light. Kendall was tapping her heels on the asphalt, a fluffy cape lay on her shoulders, and her dress sparkled. Landon drove up to the establishment, smiling brightly. The guy was dressed in an exquisite black jacket with glamorous trousers and a bow tie. The girl grinned and sat down in the car seat and they went to the party. The headlights were flickering in the guy's eyes, and there was a beautiful grin on his face. Kendall was ready to stare into his beautiful glass eyes forever.
The room is illuminated by a bright purple light. You can hear music from the speakers, and a popular singer of the neighborhood sings into the microphone. Girls scream at the sight of an idol. Somewhere you can already hear the knocking of glasses and glasses. Perhaps, what else do you need for a break from school everyday life?
The door opens, Landon and Kendall come in. The stunning black dress that hugged the girl's figure and the heels that revealed the view of her slender legs were maddening.
- Kendall, you look incredible!-Rachel said admiringly and hugged her.
- Thank you very much. Happy Birthday to you. Thank you for inviting me. - Kendall nodded her head to the birthday girl and she led her by the hand to the dance floor.
Heaver was bored at the party. She watched her classmates dancing and waited for her girlfriends. Yes, she was quite infuriated by the fact that she often caught other people's eyes on her, but at least somehow she spends time this weekend. Going to the drinks counter, Heaver took one of the glasses. Preparing to take a sip of champagne, the girl suddenly knocked over the glass, noticing the buttons in it. Hearing the sound of broken glass, the crowd of people began to laugh and clap. Darting a glance at the floor, Heaver noticed stickers in the form of buttons for jokes on friends. "What a shame..." the girl thought. After leaving to the other end of the hall, she sat down on a chair and took another glass of coke. Seeing the familiar buttons again, the girl thought: "I'm not buying it anymore..." and drank a Coca Cola. Sweet bubbles tickled the throat, but soon the taste of rust was felt. Something got into her throat.... The girl clutched her neck and fell to the floor helplessly gasping. In pain, she tried to scream, but only a wheeze came from her. It was as if something was choking her, not letting her say a word. Thick scarlet blood flowed mixed with saliva from his mouth. Grabbing the tablecloth with her hand, Heaver pulled the cloth off the table. All the dishes, drinks and snacks began to fall to the floor, falling on the poor thing.
Kendall heard the clink of dishes through the loud music. Turning around, the girl saw a classmate choking in tears, lying under a mountain of broken shards. The whole crowd turned around after Kendall. In fear, someone started screaming, someone ran out of the house screaming, while others tried to help Heaver and called an ambulance. In all the craziness, Kendall stood like a pillar, unable to do anything. Landon ran up to the girl and began to shake her so that she would come to her side.
The whole street was drowned out by the sound of sirens and flashing red and blue lights. Heaver was already lying on a stretcher, with a medical collar around her neck, while iodine was brought to her nose so that she would not lose consciousness. Kendall was standing with Clara, Heaver's friend. Clara stood in tears, telling the police what had happened. Kendall, on the other hand, stood with her arm around Landon and shivered. She wanted to get home as soon as possible to distract herself from sad thoughts. Suddenly, the phone vibrated in Clara's purse. Since Clara was not up to it, Kendall took out her mobile phone and found a message from the same anonymous person. The message read: "You and your friends will go to hell after Taylor."
Kendall didn't want to pursue the investigation any further, but this message couldn't go unnoticed.
"What does all this mean? So the killer has a specific victim plan? Very interesting."- the girl thought. She volunteered to accompany Clara, as she saw that it was very hard and scary for her.
- Thank you - somehow Clara said in a whisper. And she didn't even know about that message... Kendall didn't want to tell, for fear of aggravating Clara's already shattered psyche. Leaving her alone at the house, Ken called Landon to pick her up. Images of Taylor and now of Heaver were clearly appearing before her eyes. Blood from the mouth, a torn neck and somehow breathing. Of course she won't survive. Oxidized iron poisoning and punctured organs. This made me uneasy, small goosebumps appeared on my skin. Thoughts left at the sound of a car approaching. Landon literally ran out and rushed to hug Kendall.
- I was afraid for you. Are you all right?- strictly, but at the same time with a slight note of relief, the guy said.
- Yes, it's all right. I just had to take Clara home, you never know what she can do in this state.
"Are you sure she went into the house?"
- No... Why didn't I think of that right away? We need to go and check on her. Fortunately, I didn't go far. Her house is two miles away.
- Type her address in the navigator, please.
- OK.
Then everything is in a fog. Lanterns that now look only like glare, signs of night cafes, the wind burning your face. Everything is so familiar, but it's not like that. It's like a parallel dimension that slowly penetrates into our world and mixes with it. The unknown is something that repels, and at the same time beckons like a magnet.
Clara was sitting on the steps of the house. She couldn't bear the death of one of her friends.... When her head began to ache from tears and snot, Clara went to the kitchen to the first aid kit. Taking a pill, she washed it down with diluted tea in order to calm down. Abruptly, she felt that there was not enough air. She had an asthma attack, which started earlier because of everything that happened. Reaching for the bag, the girl in a hurry began to rummage through it, throwing keys, gum and a comb out of it, but there was no inhaler ....
Kendall sat in the seat of Landon's car and tapped her fingers on the bag, clutching it in her palms. Landon drove the wheelbarrow clutching the steering wheel in awkward silence. Arriving at Clara's house, Kendall got out of the car and knocked on the door. But at a light touch, the door opened. It was dark all around. Ken entered the room and began to look around. It's pitch dark, no sounds, nothing but emptiness. When her heel bumped into something heavy, Kendall slowly shifted her gaze to the floor. A scream was heard from Clara's house, Clara was dead.......

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