part 8

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Spring is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. For some, a chance to turn over a new page. For others, surprise at the unexpected.

It's already March, and it seemed quite recently it was September. It has become warmer outside, although in California, in principle, the concept of cold is 57 degrees. Schoolchildren are intensely preparing for exams and Kendall is no exception. Firstly, she missed a lot, so she had to absorb the information much faster. Secondly, skipping acting courses. After all, without them there is little chance of breaking through anywhere other than extras in a little-known movie. The relationship with Land stood still. Something more serious was not and was not expected. It's even good, because Kendall has lost a lot of time with this love. It's not a fact that they will have a future together. Is it worth spending time on this? Another useless thought. Kendall tried to put all this out of her mind and tune in to study. Surprisingly, her academic performance at school has grown and teachers have repeatedly praised her. Here's another school day. There is not so much fuss, it seems to have evaporated in tension. It was more like running around the classrooms in search of jobs for preparation. Janessa was with Kendall. She also decided to try herself as an actress. In principle, life began to improve.
March tenth. For some reason, today there is fuss again and thousands of voices. What happened again?
Kendall walks through the school and comes to a corner lit by candles.
"Memorial corner" - the girl thought. Looking at the photos, she notices two new faces, namely Dixie and Mella. The killer's new victims. The girl thought it was over, but apparently she was wrong.
- What happened to them?
- Don't you know? The maniac plunged a knife into their hearts and cut their throats.Janessa replied.
- God, what a horror.
- That's not all. Anonymous threatening messages were found in their phones. The same thing that Taylor, Clara and Heaver wrote.
- So this is a deliberate murder of specific girls.
- Yes, I think so too.
The killer did not stop his actions. What else can you expect? Kendall doesn't care about the investigation anymore. It's useless. The only thing that worried her was: could she become a victim? Okay, don't think about it. The psyche is already weak. Kendall got rid of her addiction. Friends and meditations helped in this. If something bothered her, she did breathing exercises.
A new day and everything is the same. With Landon, they correspond with messages from the category of "Good morning", "Good night". And so he came up to her in the dining room.
- hi. We haven't walked for a long time and haven't really talked. Something happened?
- No, it's all right. I'm just busy with exams and schoolwork.
- Oh, good. You know, I'd like to invite you to visit today. Is there time?
- Okay, I don't mind. Right after school?
- Well, yes. See you!
- Bye.
Yes, Landon was close to her. But would you be able to do something without seeing prospects in the future? This meeting was supposed to put everything in place. Come what may. Yes, there is also a small traumatized child hiding in it. But he only wants to give a physical form of his hatred of this world in his poems, and shelter others to the same lost souls as himself.
Kendall stands nervously at the entrance to the school and bites her nails. Landon comes over and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Let's go," he says in his usual pleasant voice. It was the first time she was at his house. She really was very interested to see where he lives. And so they drove up. The house was more like a mansion than an ordinary house. Flowers grew everywhere, there was even a small fountain. The rooms were designed in a minimalist style. Posters and music records hung on the walls. Marble tiles added luxury.
- Come on in, don't be shy.
There was rather not embarrassment, but surprise. Landon took Kendall to his room while he went to make tea. A lot of books, jewelry and CDs lay on the table. The girl stopped and began to examine everything. Her attention was attracted by a huge schedule hanging over the bed. "He has a pretty busy schedule," flashed through his mind. But as soon as it was turned over, the impression immediately changed. Dozens of names, even thousands, covered the sheet lengthwise and across in red ink, and the name "KENDALL" was written in large letters in blood in the very middle of the sheet. Kendall staggered and ran into the bathroom. Covering her mouth with her hands, she began to tremble in the corner behind the sink.
- Landon is a killer...........
The person dearest and closest to her turned out to be a serial maniac...... If all her friends are killed, then she will be next....
- Kendall, it's time for tea!The guy shouted from the kitchen. The girl came out of the bathroom. She tried not to show it. Wiping her tears with her fingers, Kendall put on a fake smile. Sitting down at a chair, the girl began to drink a drink with trembling hands.
- You know, Kendall, I wanted to ask...let's take a walk or go on a date, because we've been a couple for a long time, but we haven't been anywhere....
- Yes, it is.....this is a great idea....- under the clink of a spoon on porcelain, Kendall stammered barely.
- there's clearly something wrong with you. Let's go get some air, go to my favorite secluded place......
Kendall was alarmed by this, but she quickly nodded her head and cowered into a ball. Landon grinned and put his arm around her shoulder.
The sound of the tires on the stones scared the girl, making her shudder also from Landon's cold gaze. The car shuddered and stopped. Kendall quickly ducked out of the seat and ran to the ravine of the cliff. Landon came up behind her and hugged her again.
- I always come to this place to "cool off". - The guy echoed.
Kendall had a strong wind in her face. Sitting above the height, the girl looked at the guy. Landon grinned again, and his smile was unexpected and sharp, like the sound of thunder in a cloudless sky. the eyes became almost black, the color of bitter coffee.—
-Kendall.....Why did you need my schedule? I don't seem to remember that it was found on the floor.....
Kendall's gaze froze. She seemed to be in a trance watching as a hand came to her back and pushed her off the cliff. The girl looks after the black figure, which is moving away from her every second. Only now did she realize that she had been tricked, as a pathetic unnecessary thing was thrown ......A fragile body is beating against rocks and being tormented by stones. This is what real death looks like. Soon the girl's name will be on all the headlines of newspapers and magazines, in the news, on advertising poles. They will be looking for her, they will worry about her, they will mourn her. Father, friends, even Landon..... But what would have happened if everything had been ordered differently? But that's another story........

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