Episode 1:Wednesday's child is full of woe (part3)

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              1st person, Ki's pov:

I was sitting in Enid and Wednesday's dorm, watching Wednesday peal the colorful sticker off the window, I asked, "Do you want me to help you?" "Yes, could you get the top of the window?"  She said. "Wow, I would have thought she would say no" I thought "Yeah sure." I peal off the stickers on the top and she does the bottom. But then, I hear the door open. "What the hell did you do to my room!?" "Dividing our room equally" Wednesday said. "It looks like a rainbow vomited on your side" " Why are you helping her?" Enid asked me. "Well, I wanted her to feel comfortable here. I mean, her mother did say she hated color, and you guys share this room."

"She gets it" Wednesday said. "I-" Enid was cut off by Wednesday saying, " Silence would be appreciated. This is my writing time." "Your writing time?" Enid asked "I devote an hour a day to my novel. Perhaps if you did the same your vlog would be coherent. I've read serial killer diaries with better punctuation." I hold in a laugh. "I write in my voice. It's my truth. It what my followers love." Enid said. "Your followers are clearly imbeciles." Wednesday said "Hey!" I said, sad and mad at the same time. "Not you, your not like them." She said to me. "They respond to your stories with insipid little pictures." " You mean emojis?" Enid asked.

"It's how people express their feelings. I realize that's a foreign concept to you." Enid said. "When I look at you, the following emojis come to mind. Rope, shovel, hole." "Oop-" I thought.  Wednesday turned around and walked to her typewriter while saying, "By the way, there are 2 D's in Addams. If your going to gossip about me, at least spell my name correctly." Wednesday said. Enid started playing a song that I know, neither Wednesday or I would like. "Turn that off" Wednesday said. But Enid kept dancing to the music. " This is your final warning." Wednesday said threateningly. Enid pulled put her colorful claws and said. "Don't mess with me. This kitty's got claws, and I'm not afraid to use them." She said. Ms. Thornhill walking through the door and said "Good evening, girls." " oh, sorry about the mud. I wanted to make sure Wednesday was settling in." She then waited a few moments, chuckled alittle, and said, "Ah, is this a bad tine?." She questioned. She walked over to Wednesday and said " I'm Ms. Thornhill, your dorm mom. Apologies, I wasn't here to greet you when you arrived. I trust Enid and Ki have given you the old Nevermore welcome." "Enid has been smothering me with hospitality, I hope to return the favor. In her sleep." "Well that took a dark turn" I thought. "Ki, on the other hand, has been giving me help with the dorm, and trying to help me feel comfortable." She said. "Well, here's a little welcome gift from my conservatory." Wednesday takes the flower Ms. Thornhill had gotten her.

"I try to match the right flower to each of my girls. And when I read your personal statement in your application, I immediately thought of this one." She pointed to the flower. "The black dahlia" Wednesday said. "Oh, you know it?" She asked. "Of course, it's named after my favorite unsolved murder. Thank you".

"Okey-dokey. Before I leave, I want to go over a few house rules. Lights off at 10:00, no loud music, and no boys, ever." Ms. Thornhill said. "I already that's not a problem for me OR Wednesday. Enid, I'm not so sure...." I thought "What's the story about going into the local town?" Wednesday asked Ms. Thornhill. "Passes to Jericho are a privilege, not a right. It's a brisk 25 minute walk, or there's a shuttle on the weekend's. The locals are a tad bit wary about Nevermore, so please, don't go making any waves, or perpetuating any outcast stereotypes. That means keep your claws to yourself," she said looking at Enid, then to Wednesday saying, " and no smothering people in their sleep. Keep an eye on them Ki, and don't make any trouble. Are we clear?" We three were silent, "Great talk." Said Ms. Thornhill, chuckling again and walking out of the room, and waving goodbye.

                 The next day:

I was fencing with my partner when a girl in a black fencing suit walked by, I then realized it was Wednesday, my partner thought he could catch me off guard but I placed my tip on him before he could put his blade on me.

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