AU - Christmas special

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Yes, I know its January (my birth month) but I wanted to make a christmas special so read if you wanna. Also, this is a AU because, well, I thought about this while trying to sleep so, yeah. Also, Ki's cousin is in this because he was invited to Nevermore for Christmas. His name is Chris. (And no thats not my cousin's name)

             1st person, Ki's pov:

I was currently in Wednesday and Enid's dorm because Enid wanted me to have a "sleepover" in their dorm. I mean, how could I say no, I haven't had a sleepover since I was 12.

Anyway, I was putting my stuff down and Enid walked over to me. "This is so exciting! It's like a christmas sleepover!" "It's not Christmas yet Enid" Wednesday said, typing away at her typewriter. " It's only a day till Christmas eve so, why not!"


We were just talking to one another when we heard a knock at the door. "You can come in!" Enid yelled. It was Ms. Thornhill. (Mommy Thornhill-) "Oh hello." I said. "Ki, can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked. "Oh, yea, sure."

I got up and headed to the door. I could see them both staring at me. "What is it?" I asked her. "Um well, we invited your cousin over today and he's on his way here!" She said, excitedly.

"Really?" "Yes, really." I felt so happy and excited that I jumped and hugged her. "Oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you!" 

"Oh! Well, your welcome." She said, hugging me too.


I went back inside and Wednesday asked "What was that about?" I turned around. "Oh, wow, you look very excited/happy" Enid said. "You guys get to meet my cousin today!" I exclaim. "Oh! Nice! I have always wanted to meet your little cousin!" Enid said.


A few hours later, he finally arrived. Damn, he's gotten shorter. "Hey Chris!"I say and hug him. "Ki! It's so good to see you! Have you gotten taller?" "No, just you have gotten shorter." I laughed.

Enid and Wednesday were silent. "Oh! Sorry. Enid, Wednesday, this is my cousin, Chris. Chris, these are my best friends, Enid and Wednesday." "Oh, uh, hello" he said, he sounded nervous, probably because of Wednesday.

"Hello! It's nice to meet you!" Enid said. Wednesday just stared coldly at him. "Hello.." She sounded annoyed. "Well, anyway, Ms. Thornhill will lead you to your room. We are having a sleepover so goodbye!" I said, pushing him out the door. "Wait but I wanted to catch up on things-" He was already out the door.


"So, Ki, you going out with anybody for the Christmas party?" Enid asked. I choked on my own spit. "Um, no, no one asked me and I haven't asked anyone." I say. "Oh come on! Someone at this school has to like you!" "Well, seems there isn't. Plus, I just wanna go with my friends." "Well, Ajax asked me to go with him so you two are going with each other." Oh shit, me, with.. Wednesday? What if she doesn't even like me that way and she says no and my life with be a disaster again-

"I'll attend the party with Ki" Wednesday said. "Really? You mean it?" I ask her. "Oh my gosh thank you!" I hugged her. She just stayed still. I realized what I had done and let go of her. "Oh! Sorry." I say. "It's fine" she grumbled, her cheeks were kinda red but I didn't really acknowledge it.

The day of the Christmas party:

I was wearing a red suit, and had my hair in a bun. I had gotten a present for Wednesday. I decided to get her a small black knife because she likes sharp objects.


I knocked on her dorm door. She opened it and she was in a long, black dress with her pigtails in one braid. I could feel my face heat up. "Oh uh, wow, you look-" "Disgusting?" "No! I was saying you look beautiful." I say. "Oh, well, thank you." She said, heading out the door.


We finally got to the party and Chris was at the entrance, probably waiting for me.

"Ki! Over here!" Chris called. "I'm going to look for Enid" Wednesday said. "Ok, I'm going to catch up on sone stuff with Chris." She nodded at me and went inside.

"So how have you been? Being here in this school?" Chris asked me. "It's great!"

"So, what's the thing with you and that Wednesday girl?" He asked. I could feel my face heat up a little bit. He seemed to have noticed because he started smiling. "Oooo Ki has a crush~" "Shut up!" "Oh so you DO have a crush on her!" "Shut up! Not so loud.... And please don't tell her." "Don't worry Cus! I won't!" "Ok good, because if you did, I would snap your fingers off and add them to Thing." "Who's Thing?" "Wednesday's family member who is a severed hand." "Oh..."


After talking to Chris, I went over to Enid. She seemed to be alone. "Where's Ajax?" I asked. "Getting punch." "Oh ok."

Wednesday came over to us and gave me a cup. "Is this punch?" I asked. "No, it's blood" "Oh well then" I took a sip of it anyway. "Tastes like punch to me" "I know, just wanted to see your reaction" "How do you know what blood tastes like?" Enid asked me. "I tasted some if my own blood before" I said calmly. "But why?" "Don't ask that question"


The party was nearly over, some people were already tired and went back to their dorms. But me, Wednesday, Enid, and Ajax were still there. "How are you guys *yawn* not tired?" Enid asked me and Wednesday, Ajax was fast asleep on the table. "I have trouble sleeping and don't get tired easily." I say. "I go to sleep when I want to." Wednesday said. "I'm going to get more punch." Wednesday said, leaving the table. "Ok, I need to know this, do you like her?" Enid asked me. Again, my face heated up. "Oh ok you do!" "Not so loud!" "Well I have an idea on how she can kiss you" "But I don't even know if she likes me back! It'll be like 6th grade all over again..." "Nope, definitely not, I know she likes you, she acts different went your around, she even told me." She said, whispering that last sentence. "Yep, she told me, just now, I have to be careful when I got to bed, just incase." "So what was your idea?" "Oh! Right, see that mistletoe up there?" "Yea?"
"You stand over it. And when Wednesday comes to you, she'll be under it too." "Oh.. Ok then"


I was under the mistletoe, looking out the window, when someone tapped my shoulder. It was Wednesday. "What are you doing over here?" She asked me. "I wanted to look out the window and see the moon and stars" I say, sorta nervous.
We talked alittle bit more until Enid exclaimed "You guys are under the mistletoe!" I look up to see it, pretending I didn't know it was there. "We don't have to-" "Oh shut up you" she said, filling the gap between us. I then felt her sweet, gentle lips press mine. My hands grabbed her waist, and I pulled her closer. I could hear Enid cheering in the background.  We finally stopped for air. "So, you like me?" I ask her. "Of course I do"

"Merry Christmas Wens" "You too, mia cara"     

MY GAYNESS CAN NOT HANDLE THIS JDIDNJD. Anyways! Hope you guys had a good christmas and happy New year! Also, mia cara means "my dear" and cara mia means "my beloved", just if you were confused. Sorry I haven't posted a chapter in awhile! Hope you guys have a good day/night! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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