Chapter Eight - The Possesion

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~ "One cinnamon hot chocolate with whipped cream!" McQueen said, placing a delectable mug of chocolate on the table next to my empty cup

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~ "One cinnamon hot chocolate with whipped cream!" McQueen said, placing a delectable mug of chocolate on the table next to my empty cup. ~

- Montgomery "Lightning" McQueen

.+*   *+.

It had been a couple of weeks since I had gone to the diner, so I decided to pay Lightning a visit. The diner was mostly empty, save for a couple at a booth by the window, and a mysterious figure at the corner table, shrouded in shadows.

I walked up to the counter.

What should I order this time?

"Hey, Y/N! The usual?" McQueen asked, busy wiping off a glass behind the counter.

"Hm, sure," I replied, glancing over at the corner table again curiously. I couldn't see the upper-half of the figure, but I could see their shoes.

Brown, leather, pointed at the ends.

They looked oddly familiar.

"Comin' right up!"

I stood off to the side, aimlessly scrolling through my phone as I waited. When Lighting finished my drink, I took the cup and sat at a table by the window, just sipping my drink and absorbing the calm atmosphere.

"One cinnamon hot chocolate with whipped cream!" McQueen said, placing a delectable mug of chocolate on the table next to my empty cup.

"Oh, I didn't order that," I said, tilting my head in confusion like a cute anime girl.

"I know, but he did," he replied, nodding toward the corner to the figure shrouded in shadows.

I wasn't sure how, but I could tell that the figure was looking at me; observing.

I wonder what he wants?

"Thanks, Lightning," I said absentmindedly, grabbing the mug and sipping some along the way as I approached the corner table. As I got closer, the air slowly got colder and colder. The light in the room seemed to fade, and the bustle of the diner sounded far away.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you for buying me this!" I chirped, smiling gratefully at the figure. Though I still couldn't fully see them, my eyes were beginning to adjust.

The mysterious person hummed in response.

It was quiet for a beat.

"So," I started, getting more confused by the second, "Why did you get this for me? To get my attention or someth-"

"There is something that we must discuss."

I frowned at them suddenly cutting me off. "Okay? Then what is it?"

Why do I recognize their voice?

"It's about your dearest Waluigi."

My heart skipped a beat, "What about him?"

"Well," they said, a smile in their voice as the shadows began lifting around them, "I thought that you'd be interested to hear about how he's been lately."

"Quit your stalling and just tell me already!" I demanded, quickly losing my patience.

With a grin, they lifted their face from the shadows.

I let out a gasp, holding a hand to my mouth.

I was none other than-

"Waluigi?!" I cried. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Wah," he nodded, "But I am not the Waluigi you know and love."

"B-B-B-B-But you're Waluigi!"

He scowled, rising from his seat. His aura suddenly turned dangerous, and I could feel a chill rush down my spine.

"Don't you dare compare me to that... Scoundrel!"

"You take that back!" I screamed, lunging towards him with my teeth and claws bared.

He grabbed my fist in his hand like he was catching a baseball.

"Son'nani kantanda to omotta?" He grinned, a dark aura seeping out of him like a devious mist.

"Anata wa watashi no koibito ni nani o shimashita ka?!" I cried, ripping my hand free from his grasp and clenching my fists for the next attack.

I barraged him with a rally of punches, my fists travelling through the air so fast that they became a blur to the human eye. He dodged them easily, only taking gentle steps out of the way, moving to the perfect spots to not only keep himself out of harms way, but to also more efficiently conserve energy.

"Ah, ah, ah-" he said, dancing from place to place like a graceful ballerina, "You wouldn't want to injure the body of your true love, would you?"

I paused my attack, realizing that he was right.

What would happen if I managed to beat this... imposter out of my dear love's body?

Waluigi would never forgive me.

I clenched my fists to my sides, glaring at the Waluigi impersonator from across the room.

I need to think of a plan...

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