Chapter Seventeen - The Beast

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~ "Heyyyy, what's up, brah?" Jesus called out to a friend across the room, pulling him into a quick embrace and heartily smacking hands with him before turning to me again

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~ "Heyyyy, what's up, brah?" Jesus called out to a friend across the room, pulling him into a quick embrace and heartily smacking hands with him before turning to me again. ~

- Jesus

.+*   *+.

Long after my tears had dried, Jesus and I stood in front of a suburban looking house that was thumping with music and pulsing with colorful lights from within. It was the only structure in the vast fields for miles around.

"So, this is the place, then?" I asked, my British accent thick with nervousness.

"Yeah," he replied, walking up the front stoop and letting himself inside, "Come on in, dudette."

Upon entering the house, I could tell that it had already been raging on for hours. We must have been quite late, probably from all of the walking we had to do getting from the portal. I wondered who we would be talking to and what plan they could possibly have to get me back to the land of the living.

"Heyyyy, what's up, brah?" Jesus called out to a friend across the room, pulling him into a quick embrace and heartily smacking hands with him before turning to me again. "This is Y/N, we're gonna be taking her back to Earth."

I gave an awkward wave to the tall man as he approached. He was wearing a hoodie with some cargo shorts and flip flops. His face was unshaven, and he looked distinctly gopher-like.

"This is my friend Mr. Beast!" Jesus said with a grin, giving him a solid pat on the back as he reached out to shake my hand.

"Nice to meet you," he greeted with a charismatic smile. He radiated "people person" vibes considering the enthusiasm he shook my hand with and the crinkles around his eyes. Mr. Beast was definitely the type of guy who couldn't wipe a smile off of his face, unless he was provoked otherwise, I supposed.

"Like, who's the dashing damsel?" A voice called.

Poking his head through the doorframe, a man with ruffled blond hair, a baggy green shirt and cargo pants emerged from the kitchen holding a solo cup filled with who know what. 

"What's up man?" Jesus greeted, dapping him up and turning back to introduce us. "Y/N, this is Shaggy. He's, like, really freaking powerful, dudette. He's gonna be helping us out."

"You speak British, right? That's, like, super cool, man." He said, smacking my outstretched hand followed by a fist bump.

"Now we just need to wait for the others to get here." Jesus said, nodding his head to himself.

After we knocked greetings out of the way, we began casually chatting while we waited for the rest to arrive. I learned that Mr. Beast was powerful enough to travel between different dimensions, including Earth, the Afterlife, and many other dimensions that I could begin to believe really existed. Not to mention Shaggy, who was notorious for using a mere 1 percent of his power, coming out victorious in every trial he had faced.

"No way, you've battled Waluigi, innit?" I gasped, my British tones coming out in it's entirety at the shocking news. "No way, bruhv-- You know me, I'm from Tottenham." I was actually, in fact, from Liverpool, but fuck Liverpool, bruhv, innit; Chewsday.

"Sure have," Shaggy grins, hands proudly placed on his hips, "But I let him go. Gotta, like, support your fellow warriors. Right, Mr. Beast?"

But right as Mr. Beast was about to give his response, the front door opened and the whole room went silent.

"Hey guys. What did I miss?"

I slowly turned with glittering eyes to find the silhouette of a man in the doorway, haloed by the moonlight seeping into the house. His deep, soft voice sent shivers down my spine. Standing at a whopping 5'6'' with the sleeper build of a god was a man that I had seen only in my dreams, his long dark hair gently sweeping the air as if floating on a gentle breeze. His head was adorned with a backwards cap and he was wearing a white t-shirt and basketball shorts. I had to resist the urge to run up to him and run my hands all over his silky soft beard.

"Hey, get over here, dudette," Jesus chuckled, walking over to the man in the doorway, beckoning to me with a gentle hand on my shoulder, "I want you to meet my brother, moistcr1tikal!"

I walked over to the man, realizing that he was nearly half a foot taller than me!!1!!!11\

OMG, that's super hot... I'm just so short and petite and kawaii compared to him..!!!

"Hey," he greeted in a monotone, yet soothing voice, "You can call me Charlie."

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