Chapter Twelve - The Enemy Of My Enemy is My Friend

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~ "Well," Shrek started, trying to find the right words to tell his lover, "When you have all that you've ever wanted, then you have everything to lose, I suppose

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~ "Well," Shrek started, trying to find the right words to tell his lover, "When you have all that you've ever wanted, then you have everything to lose, I suppose." ~

- Shrek

.+*   *+.

Barry B. Benson wasn't one to worry too often. But as he sat on the couch with his unexpected lover (if by unexpected, you mean completely expected), Shrek, he couldn't help but wonder where Y/N, the cutest anime girl on the block and his bestie, could be.

"Barry, you're got that look on your face again."

The bee glanced in surprise at Shrek, finding his darling in green watching him with intense eyes. He knew that he couldn't hide anything from his love. Feigning ignorance wouldn't work on a man as observant as he.

"Alright, you got me," he sighed, looking back at the TV, but not really watching, "I'm just... I've just got a bad feeling about all of this."

Shrek looked around at their cozy apartment. "What do you mean? We have everything that we've ever wanted together, darling."

It was true. They both had well paying jobs, a nice place in the middle of the city that was actually affordable, and they had each other. Neither Barry nor Shrek could ask for more.

"That's not what I meant," Barry clarified, scratching the side of his head, "Something just feels... off. Like something's about to happen and I can do nothing to stop it."

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"Well," Shrek started, trying to find the right words to tell his lover, "When you have all that you've ever wanted, then you have everything to lose, I suppose."

Barry gave a chuckle, watching Shrek out of the corner of his eye. "What are you smoking? I don't remember you being an intellectual."

The couple both laughed, turning back to the TV. But little did they know, halfway across the city was Waluigi at his modest three bed, three bath house, bandaging his wounds in preparation for a fight.



Brendon Urie, Gerard Way's number one henchman, flinched at his tone, wincing as little droplets of spit sprayed across his face.

"I-I-I didn't lose it, sir! I-It was those st-stupid lackeys who forgot to secure the entrance to the fortress when we placed the body in the preservation chamber!"

His mind flashed back to the image of your limp body in one of the minion's arms, haphazardly tossed onto a preservation table. With the press of a button, the top tilted down, encasing you into the coffin-like machine with a hiss. The top was clear, and he could see your peaceful face inside. 

It was almost as if you were sleeping.

"That's why I hired you though, right?" Gerard Way growled, stalking closer to Brendon Urie who cowered against the wall in terror. "To keep my other minions in check? To make sure that something like this wouldn't happen?!"

"Yes, sir." He bowed, training his eyes firmly on the stones beneath his feet.

"Great, then I expect that you'll be getting the body back for me, then?"

A droplet of sweat rolled down the side of Brendon Urie's face. 

"Of course, my lord."

There was a pause. Brendon Urie could only guess what facial expression his master had on right now.

"You are excused."

Brendon Urie all but sprinted out of the room, closing the great, wooden doors behind him as quickly as quietly as possible before letting out a deep sigh and striding down the hall towards the armory.

Barely sparing the guards at the doors a glance, he entered and began donning his battle gear: a silky, blood red uniform with golden, shoulder pads with tassels on the ends. He polished his badges and pins and buttons to a shine, slipping on his tall, black boots with a grunt before grabbing his cordless, sparkly, bejeweled, crystal, glittery, shiny karaoke microphone that lit up with LED lights when turned on and had a built-in speaker that could project sound in a mile wide radius.

With one last glance back down the hall, he turned to the main entrance of the fortress, signaling a guard to open the great, metal doors that opened to reveal a spectacular view of Riverwood to one side, and Ivarstead to the other far below the mountain the fortress was placed on. 

It was snowing.

My favorite, Brendon Urie smiled to himself, before shaking the look from his face and preparing himself for his journey to retrieve the body.

He had no idea where to look, but he knew a few people he could ask. Some eyes in the city that he could bribe. No one dared disobey Gerard Way or Brendon Urie. 

Someone would talk... One way or another.

I will find you, Y/N... A wicked grin spread across his face, No matter what it takes!

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