Chapter Eleven - The Loss of My Omega

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~ "No!" Waluigi shouted brokenly, crying out in pain as he tried to get up from the ground, clutching his side in pain

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~ "No!" Waluigi shouted brokenly, crying out in pain as he tried to get up from the ground, clutching his side in pain. ~

- Waluigi

.+*   *+.

Waluigi gasped awake, his body shaking as a bright light above him hammered into his eyes. He blinked blearily, trying to reorientate himself with the world around him. He was filled with grief and confusion, his head spinning as he finally came to.

Damn it, where am I?

As he finally hauled himself upwards, he took in a devastating scene of the destroyed diner where he had first met you. 

Your body laid beside him, unmoving. 


The one that he'd been wishing for ever since the moment he'd laid eyes on your cute anime girl figure. Though your eyes were bloodshot, and tears and snot was streaming down your face in pain, he couldn't help but be enamored by your beauty.

You were simply... too beautiful for this cruel world.


His eyes welled with tears as the weight of your death finally settled onto his shoulders and spread throughout his body. You were dead. And you had saved him. You had sacrificed yourself for a man who hardly deserved it, not you, your love, or his own life.

"It should have been me," Waluigi cried, choking with a sob. He grabbed at his beautiful, soft, good smelling like roses, shiny, delicate, perfect waves, deep conditioned hair, as he gazed down at you, tears pouring down his face and collecting at his chin. He couldn't being himself to touch your delicate skin, too devastated to move from his body hunched over in agony.

"Indeed, it should have."

A shadow fell over Waluigi, and he glared with watery, bloodshot eyes up at Gerard Way's sinister smile. The handsome emo man flipped a stray hair out of his eyes in provocation to the lanky, hot man on the ground before him.

As they stared at each other, Waluigi realized that he had nothing to say to this man, despite his obvious attempt at provoking the distraught man. Instead, he just allowed his heartbroken state to speak for itself, the pooling hatred in his eyes speaking a thousand words that his tongue could never express. 

"I suppose this is where we part ways then, Waluigi," Gerard Way said with a firm nod of his head, turning to the door of the abandoned diner, stepping through the wreckage like it wasn't even there.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Gerard Way said in mock recollection, turning back to your body, "I'll be needing this."

His eyes flashed, and your body hovered in the air, following closely by his side.

"No!" Waluigi shouted brokenly, crying out in pain as he tried to get up from the ground, clutching his side in pain. As desperately as he wanted to, he was not strong enough to save you.

"Welp, toodles!"

But as Gerard Way sauntered away, Waluigi was already planning a way to get you back. Coughing up a small splatter of blood on the ground, he heaved himself upright on one of the chairs of a nearby booth, limping and hobbling to the door to get back to his modest three bed, three bath house to recuperate. 

I will find you, he vowed, limping back to his modest three bed, three bath house, I will find you, Y/N, my faithful omega... No matter what it takes!

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