Chapter Fourteen - The Plumber and The Pop Star

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~ "I don't have her," he said, his voice cracking at the end of it, tears springing to his eyes as his hands began to shiver

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~ "I don't have her," he said, his voice cracking at the end of it, tears springing to his eyes as his hands began to shiver. ~

- Waluigi

.+*   *+.

Waluigi winced as he carefully removed the bandage on his upper arm, slowly unwrapping it from his totally ripped and muscular bicep and tossing the bloody bandages into the garbage can across the bathroom. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub in one of his bathrooms of his modest three bed, three bath house, his hands shook as he replaced each bandage gone brown from the old blood that stained them.

His eyes couldn't help but wander over to the mirror, taking in his beaten appearance, the bruises on his exposed chest, bright blues, purples, and greens screaming against his pale chest. 

His mind flashed to the sight of you, bloodied and dead on the ground. Your eyes were closed--it almost looked like you were sleeping--but he knew that wasn't the case, no matter how badly he wished that he could convince himself of that. Maybe to help take away the pain of the loss of his dear omega.

With a painful groan, he heaved himself off of the edge of the bathtub, grabbing the purple turtleneck resting on the counter and trying to slide it on so that it wouldn't stick to the new bandages that he had put on.

He had only managed to get it just over his head when a painful stab from the wound on his arm reminded him that he could only lift his arms so high. With a cry, he stumbled around the bathroom, turtleneck obscuring his vision and his arms stuck upwards at strange angles as he tripped over the trashcan, bumped his already bruised side on the edge of the counter, and finally tumbled over the edge of the bathtub and fell in with an aching thud

"Damn it," he muttered to himself, pulling the shirt on the rest of the way before hoisting himself back up with a stiff tug.


The sound of the front door slamming open downstairs jolted him from his preoccupied state, his ears twitching at the sound of someone grumbling about, took long enough to find this place, and, asshole needs to write the zip code down next time.

Waluigi's eyes darted to the space behind his toilet, quietly stalking over and feeling behind the water tank for a small handgun that was duct taped to the back in case of emergencies. He could hear the voice still walking around downstairs, pushing things around as if searching for something.

Who could possibly have broken into my house in the middle of the day of all times?

"Who's there?" Waluigi called out, cocking the already loaded gun.

The person downstairs suddenly stopped, blanketing the house in a sudden silence. Waluigi could hear every creak and tick that the house made. Not even the sound of a pin dropping could escape his ears in this moment.

A chuckle rang throughout the silence.

"Alright, you got me. Just come downstairs and let's... talk."

Waluigi gritted his teeth, hands beginning to sweat from the grip he had on the handgun. "Tell me who you are first, then I'll decide whether I should blow your brains out on the spot or not."

"Kinky," he heard the voice mutter before the intruder cleared their throat, voice rising to it's original level, "Fine, but only if you bring the body out with you."

The body? Waluigi wondered, brows furrowing in confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He demanded, slowly inching his way out of the bathroom and down the hall to the edge of the stairs. He was still safe for now. He had the high ground.

That same chilling chuckle rippled from somewhere downstairs, though Waluigi still couldn't pin point their precise location just yet. Whoever this intruder was, they were terribly good at concealing their chi.

"The body, idiot. Of that stupid girlfriend of yours," they said, and Waluigi could hear their shoes clacking closer towards the bottom of the stairs, just around the corner. "Lord Gerard Way knows that you took it, and you will pay for stealing his things."

There was a pang in his chest as Waluigi's vision snapped back to the image of your lifeless body on the ground next to him before he shook his head from his thoughts.

"I don't have her," he said, his voice cracking at the end of it, tears springing to his eyes as his hands began to shiver.

"Liar," the voice growled, and the intruder rounded the corner with a scowl painted across his face.

Waluigi's breath caught in his throat as he took in his appearance, the gun in his hand shaking harder than before as he simply stared at the man he hadn't seen for nearly ten whole years.

"Did you miss me, Waluigi?" Brendon Urie spat, the purple turtlenecked name laced with venom as he glowered up at the handsome man adorned in royal purple.

The plumber's vision became hazy as tears leaked down his face faster than he could stop it as he gazed at the pop star before him at the bottom of the stairs. 

Waluigi's mouth was gaping and slack as he tried to grasp for the right words. He couldn't remember the last time he stuttered so hard to form a sentence, let alone a singular word.

"B-B-... Brother?"

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