Chapter 7

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Bruce's POV:
I messaged the group chat and asked if anyone was down for a group hangout, Finney was free, so were Robin and Griffin, Billy said he couldn't since he still had newspapers to deliver.

Vance was asleep next to me with his head on my shoulder, once the group and I decided on a place to go I put my phone away and attempted to wake up Vance.

"Vance, wake up." I whispered, all I got was a groan in response. "My love I need to ask you something, wake up." I whispered again, I got no response for a while until he slowly opened his eyes and sat up straight.

"Mm..what is it?" He asked looking at me, why is tired Vance so fucking adorable? "The others and I planned a group hangout, would you like to join?" I asked him. "As long as you're going." He said as he rubbed his eyes trying to wake himself up I'm guessing.

"Of course I'm going!" I chuckled and he smiled. "Fine, I'll go then." He said with a laugh and I felt my face go red, god his laugh with his sleepy's doing things to me.

Time Skip: The Fair (4:30pm)

We arrived at the fair, everyone decided it was best to stay in a group so no one would get lost. We all went on some rides first, Vance suggested we go on some roller coasters and I hesitated but eventually agreed, so we all went on one of the biggest coasters at the fair.

After the ride I was holding onto Vance's arm so tight it might've been covered in my hand prints. Whoops. He chuckled and looked at me "Love are you okay?" I nodded in response, but I was lying. I was terrified.

Vance's POV:
Bruce told me he was okay after that ride, but I could tell he was lying. I told the guys that we would meet them by the food tents, they nodded in response and I dragged Bruce to the entrance.

"Look at me Love." I cupped his face and he looked up at me, I could see it in his eyes, that ride scared him. What the fuck was I thinking? I sighed and kissed his forehead then pulled him close to me.

"I'm so sorry for making you go on that ride darling. It was wrong of me to make you even though you were scared." I said softly, he silently cried into my chest, I felt horrible. I rubbed his back slowly in attempts to calm him down, it worked.

"I promise I won't make you do something like that again, I'm sorry." I whispered and he hugged me tighter. I pulled away and cupped his face again, pulling him into a kiss, in which he kissed back.

After some time we decided to meet back with the others and enjoy the rest of the night.

Third Person POV:
Vance and Bruce walked back into the fair and headed to the food tents where the others were, once they arrived everyone went back to playing the games and going on slightly less scary rides.

They decided to split up this time, and agreed to meet by the entrance once everyone was ready to leave. Finney and Robin went to play games.

Griffin went with Vance and Bruce on some of the rides, though Griffin was too short for some of them so he had to wait.

Time Skip: The Fair (9:30pm)

By 9pm everyone was exhausted from the day they had, they met up by the entrance and decided to go home, Bruce was too tired to drive everyone so Vance offered.

They dropped Robin and Finney off at Robin's house, since Finney's dad wouldn't be happy about him showing up late. Bruce let Vance and Griffin stay at his place, since their dad wouldn't be happy about them coming home late either.

Once they got to Bruce's house, Bruce offered them some comfy clothes to use as pajamas, everyone got changed and they made a bed for Griffin on the floor, since Vance was going to sleep with Bruce.

A/N: 731 words, I'm sorry this chapter was a bit short, the next one will be longer I promise. <3

Rinney may or may not happen next chapter👀

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