Chapter 13

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Third Person POV:
(This chapter remains in 3rd person.)

It's been about a week now, Bruce and Vance were given the clear to go home and they've been doing better every day since then.

Everyone is hanging out at Bruce's place, currently watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Robin's favorite and he was the one who insisted they watched it. By this point everyone knows when a jumpscare is going to show up, and no one gets scared, yep that's how many times they've watched the movie.

A few minutes later Bruce slowly gets up, Vance following behind him, "we're going to grab some more snacks, since someone ate most of them." Bruce gives a glance at Robin, who acts as if he wasn't the one Bruce was talking about. Bruce and Vance don't know this, but the others are very happy that they're doing better everyday.

The four remaining in the living room look at each other, a smile plastered on each of their faces, they soon return their attention to Bruce and Vance who come back with snacks and set them on the table. This time making sure to keep Robin on a limit so there's enough for everyone, which he doesn't appreciate.

About an hour later the movie ends, Finney, Bruce, and Griffin are asleep, leaving Vance, Robin, and Billy up alone, the three boys get up, Billy grabs the trash from the ground and the snack trays, bringing them to the kitchen.

Robin grabs a spare blanket for Finney and himself from the supply closet. He sits down on the floor beside Finney, pulling his lover closer wrapping his arms around Finney's waist. Vance gets up from the couch and carefully picks Bruce up, groaning in pain a bit from his injury but his stubborn ass didn't care.

He goes upstairs and lays Bruce on his bed, then comes back downstairs and picks up Griffin, carrying him upstairs to the guest room which was now his room. He covers his brother with the blanket then stumbles back to Bruce's room, which the two now shared.

By this point Vance is too tired to change, so he crawls into bed and pulls Bruce close to him, wrapping his arms around his lover's waist giving him a small kiss on the back of his neck before muttering, "goodnight love." and falling asleep.

Time Skip: The Next Day(8:30am)

The group decided to stay home from school today, Bruce and Vance had a reason, the others used excuses so they could be around to help their friends so it would be easier on them. Bruce was the first to wake up, as usual he was a morning person so he was always up early.

He managed to free himself from his boyfriend's grasp and stumbled out of bed, yawning and rubbing his eyes to adjust to the morning light. He walked over to his closet quietly grabbing a clean navy blue shirt and some black jeans, he then grabbed his towel and walked to the bathroom to shower.

About 30 minutes later, plus 10 minutes to dry his hair the way he liked it, Bruce walked out the bathroom and into his room to find a sleeping Vance. Bruce loved how angelic his lover looked while asleep, even in the light his features were visible, his small freckles, the curls that cast perfect shadows over his face, Bruce loved everything about Vance.

Not long after Bruce entered his room Vance woke up, giving Bruce a tired smile. "Good morning love!" Bruce returned the smile before giving Vance a kiss on his cheek. "Good morning, B." Vance spoke in a soft tone, his voice somewhat deep and a little raspy, Bruce's all time favorite thing about Vance besides Vance himself, was his morning voice.

Vance slowly sat up, wincing in pain a bit, it was taking him a bit longer to recover than Bruce, considering his injury was in a more serious spot, but either way he was recovering well. Vance stood up from the bed, pulling Bruce in close by the waist, Bruce was smiling. Vance cupped Bruce's face and sealed the space between them by kissing his lover. It wasn't a quick kiss either, it was long, passionate, full of love. (I need this fr.)

Shortly after Vance pulled away, the comfortable silence between them was broken when the loud sound of a pan hitting the floor caused both of them to jump, the sound reminded them of that day, giving them flashbacks of when they thought for sure their lives were over.

The breathing of both Vance and Bruce began to speed up, Robin soon entered the room to check on them, he was the one who dropped the pan, wait, when did he wake up and how did the boys not see or hear him? "Bruce, Vance? Are you both okay? I was the one who dropped the pan I'm sorry."

Robin laughed nervously, putting one hand on the back of his neck, that's when he realized, both Vance and Bruce were having a panic attack and he could see it clearly. Their hands were shaking and they were both breathing heavily, Robin rushed to their side and urged them to sit on the bed which they did.

Robin rushed to the living room and woke up the others, then he ran to Griffin's room to wake him up. "Ugh...Robin, it's too early for this shit..what do you want?" Griffin grumbled, rubbing his eyes so he could see Robin clearly. "I-It's Vance and Bruce, I dropped a pan by accident earlier and it made a loud sound, I think they're having panic attacks because it reminded them of that day!" Robin spoke quickly but enough for Griffin to understand.

He jumped out of bed and ran to Bruce's room, he saw Vance and Bruce on Bruce's bed with the others surrounding them, trying to calm the boys down. Griffin was in utter shock when he could see tears forming in both Vance and Bruce's eyes, he had no idea how to help Vance, this hasn't happened before, not even with their shitty excuse of a father.

After about 30 minutes of attempting to calm the boys down, it finally worked. Both Bruce and Vance were okay, their breathing slowed to a steady pace and they stopped shaking, but they were holding hands still. Robin spoke up "Bruce, Vance, I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause you two to have a panic attack! I accidently dropped a pan while making breakfast and it made a loud noise I'm sorry!" He apologized, over and over until one of the two spoke up.

"Robin it's alright, you didn't mean to cause that." Bruce said, getting up and pulling Robin into a hug, Robin hugged back, he wasn't a big fan of hugs but his friends were an exception, especially Finney. After a few seconds Bruce pulled away and sat back down, resting his head on Vance's shoulder, Vance rested his head against his lover's.

A/N: This is the end of this chapter, I'll try to come up with ideas for the next chapter, suggestions are appreciated!!

I wrote this in a span of 40 minutes, it's currently 2:02am💀

1219 words🤗

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