Chapter 10

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Bruce's POV:

I walked over to the both of them after they pulled away from their hug, I put my hand on Vance's shoulder and he looked at me. "What if I ask my parents about letting you stay?" I asked him and he looked at Griffin. "I won't leave Griffin here alone with our dad, especially after that." He said in a stern tone, I knew he wasn't kidding.

"I can ask if the both of you can stay, my parents may be strict but they can be nice." I tried to reassure him, I could tell he was thinking about it. "Fine, but how are you going to ask them, aren't they on a business trip?" He asked.

"I can call them when we get back to my place." I smiled at him, he looked at the ground for a second then nodded in agreement. "Alright, I'll pack then, Griffin are you coming?" He looked down at Griffin who nodded, they went to their rooms to pack and I waited by the door.

Time Skip: Bruce's house (1:30pm)

Griffin, Vance, and I were in the kitchen, Vance offered to make food so that's what he was doing, I had no idea he could cook, is there anything else I don't know about this man? Griffin and I were sitting at the table, he was fiddling with his fingers.

"Griffin are you okay?" I asked and he looked up at me, "yeah I'm okay!" He smiled at me, but something told me he was lying, I wasn't going to pressure him with it, though.

"Alright, just making sure." I smiled at him and he went back to fiddling. A few minutes later Vance accounted that the food was done, he put even portions on plates and gave them to us, I noticed he didn't make any for himself though.

"Vance aren't you going to eat?" We looked at each other. "Oh uh..I already ate." I could tell he was lying, we were together all day. Why is everyone lying today? "Alright.." I heard him exhale, guess he was internally hoping I believed his lie.

About 20 minutes later, Griffin and I finished our food, we both thanked Vance, and all of us migrated to the living room after. I put on Vance and my favorite show

After about a few episodes I noticed Griffin fell asleep on Vance's shoulder, he looked exhausted earlier so it's understandable. Vance and I decided to head up to my room, he set Griffin down carefully on the couch and I covered him with a blanket, then we went up to my room.

(Warning: Little bit of spice🤭)

I sat on my bed and he sat beside me, we watched a few movies before we got bored. By the time the last movie finished we had our backs against the wall, I had my head on his shoulder. I slightly looked up at him, he was asleep, this is an advantage.

I cracked a small smile and gently kissed his neck, I could hear him whimper a bit, guess he likes it? I took a mental note of this while I continued kissing his neck, I never knew he could be a bottom, but I'm living for it.

I left a few hickeys on his neck, I pulled away, proud of my art. I looked at him and he was opening his eyes. "Morning!" I smiled at him, he looked at me. "What happened, why does my neck feel weird?" I shrugged, smiling innocently at him. He got up and walked over to the full body mirror in the corner of my room, I got up and followed him.

He noticed the love marks on his neck, his face was red and his eyes were wide, it was adorable. He backed up and finally looked at me, I was smiling as our eyes met. "Bruce..did y-" I put my hand on the side of his face and kissed him, interrupting his sentence. "Yep! I did!" He blushed even more, I really had an effect on him, and I loved it.

"Hey I'm kinda bored, how about we go to a restaurant and invite the others?" I looked up at him. He smiled a bit, guess he liked the idea, so I took out my phone and texted the group.

Skittles Pack🏳️‍🌈 (1:45pm)

BaseballLover: GUYS

BaseballLover: QUESTION.

DogLover: What's up Bruce?

RedRobinHood: Yeah?

TheBetterBlake: What's your question?

BaseballLover: Vance and I are bored as fuck, anyone down for a group hangout at the restaurant?

TheBetterBlake: ME

RedRobinHood: BETTT

DogLover: Sure ig

BaseballLover: Alr!! Meet Vance and I at the restaurant at 2:15!

-Everyone has gone offline-

Third Person POV:

Vance and Bruce held hands all the way to the restaurant, they were getting stares but they didn't care at all, what they cared about was each other being happy. They made it to their destination at 2:00pm, just enough time for the others to arrive.

Finney was the first to show up, then Robin, then Billy. Griffin was asleep at Bruce's house and they didn't want to wake him. Everyone greeted each other, some with insults of course, mainly Robin and Vance insulting each other.

After that they all went inside the restaurant and walked over to a booth close to the entrance. Bruce, Vance, and Robin sat on one side, Billy and Finney sat on the opposite side. A waitress walked over, "Alright, I'll be serving you today, what would everyone like to drink?"

Bruce and Vance both ordered a milkshake, Vance ordered chocolate and Bruce ordered strawberry, Robin ordered a vanilla milkshake, and both Billy and Finney ordered sprite. The waitress wrote down their orders and walked away.

The boys conversated for about 10 minutes until the waitress came back with their drinks then she took their food orders.

Time Skip: After their meal

Everyone was exhausted from their fun night, they left the payment on the table and left the restaurant, then said their goodbyes and parted ways, Bruce was on Vance's back with his arms around Vance's neck and his legs around Vance's waist, his face was buried in Vance's neck.

Everyone was exhausted from their fun night, they left the payment on the table and left the restaurant, then said their goodbyes and parted ways, Bruce was on Vance's back with his arms around Vance's neck and his legs around Vance's waist, his f...

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They stayed this way until they got back to Bruce's house, Griffin wasn't on the couch, guess he woke up and went up to his room instead. So Vance and Bruce went up to Bruce's room, and got into bed.

Vance and Bruce were facing each other, Vance had his arms around Bruce, and Bruce had his face buried in Vance's neck, pressing soft kisses to his neck every now and then, until they both fell asleep.

A/N: And that's the end of this chapter, I'm so sorry for delaying💀 I've been very busy-

Take this chapter as a late Christmas gift🤗

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