Chapter 12

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Griffin's POV(still):
The others and I stayed at the hospital for a few hours, the doctor came to check on Vance and Bruce every 30 minutes. We were told they were going to be okay, but they were both in a coma and the doctor was unsure of when they would wake up.

This hurt to hear, knowing my brother and one of my best friends were going to be gone for who knows how long. The others were hurt by this news as well, we all knew our group wasn't going to be the same without Bruce and Vance. Eventually we were told that visiting hours were over, so we had no choice but to leave.

I asked Billy if I could stay at his place for the night, I explained that I had a feeling Bruce's parents didn't want me there for the time being, knowing what happened to their son. He agreed and said I could stay as long as I needed, which would only be a few days. The others and I parted ways outside the hospital, Billy and I walked to his place, since it wasn't far.

We got to Billy's place in about 10 minutes, I guess he wasn't wrong, he really didn't live that far. From what I could tell the both of us were exhausted, so we went upstairs to his room.

We made a bed on the floor so I could sleep there for the night, then he gave me some spare pj pants and a clean shirt. We talked for about 30 minutes before falling asleep.

Time Skip: The next day (7:15am)

3rd person POV:
Griffin and Billy woke up around 7am, just enough time before school started, Billy gave Griffin some spare clothes to use, the clothes were a bit big on Griffin, considering Billy was older and taller, but Griffin didn't mind.

After they both got dressed they went downstairs for breakfast, Billy's mom made some eggs and bacon for the boys, which they ate pretty quickly. They slipped on their shoes and left for school.

They got to school in about 15 minutes, Finney and Robin were waiting for them by the school entrance, their usual spot. They all talked for some time before the bell rang, today's school schedule was a bit different, so they didn't have first class together, instead, Robin and Billy had class together, while Griffin and Finney had class together.

They parted ways and went to their classes, Robin and Billy had math, while Finney and Griffin had science, Finney's favorite subject. Griffin and Finney were partners for the class period, they were dissecting frogs, fuck. Finney and Griffin forgot that was going to happen today, but now they had to deal with it.

After the class, Finney and Griffin met up with Robin and Billy, who questioned why they looked traumatized. Finney explained that they had to dissect a frog, and how disgusting it was. Robin burst out laughing, Billy did as well. Griffin was glad the others were slowly getting better, but he was still worried about his brother and Bruce.

The boys finished their classes and decided they would visit Bruce and Vance, so that's what they did, Finney drove them to the hospital this time, it took them a while with Finney being a cautious driver who follows EVERY road sign and checks his surroundings every second.

Once they made it to the hospital they went inside to the front desk, the lady asked them for their names and the names of the patients they were visiting. After that the boys used the elevator to get to the 8th floor, luckily they remembered the room number.

They found the room and went inside, all of them were shocked to see Vance and Bruce, both of them were awake! Vance looked at them, soon enough Bruce did too, they both gave a tired smile. The others rushed over to their beds, asking all kinds of questions, they were very happy their friends were awake.

Griffin was still by the door, he was frozen in shock, Vance looked at him and spoke up, "Griffin? Are you okay little brother?" He said with a small laugh. Griffin slowed walked over to his bed with the others watching, he then gave Vance a big but gentle hug which made Vance laugh again, he then hugged him back.

"I'm so glad you're both okay!!" Griffin sobbed into the hospital gown Vance was wearing. "'s okay Griffin, you didn't think a little bullet would take your brother and best friend did you?" Vance said with a laugh, which made Griffin laugh a bit. Griffin then pulled away from the hug and walked over to Bruce, giving him a big but gentle hug too.

"You have no idea how much we missed you both." Robin spoke up, Bruce and Vance looked at him. "It takes a lot more than a bullet to get rid of us." Bruce said, making the others laugh. Griffin pulled away from the hug. "How long were we out?" Vance asked, looking between the four infront of them for an answer. "About 3 days, thankfully no longer than that." Finney said, Vance nodded.

The group talked for a while before the doctor walked in, he then spoke up. "Alright Mr. Hopper and Mr. Yamada, your wounds are still healing, but if you're able to show us that you can at least walk, then you're allowed to leave but you have to take things easy."

The boys nodded as a sign for the doctor to continue, "Mr. Yamada, do you want to try first?" The doctor looked and Bruce. "Uh..sure." he said, slowly moving the blanket. He then sat against the edge of the bed, Griffin and the others were standing in the corner to give Bruce and Vance more space.

Bruce slowly stood up, using the handle on the edge of the bed for support, the others were whispering words of encouragement. He stood up straight, wincing in pain a bit but he was standing, now he just needed to walk. "Excellent Mr. Yamada, you're doing great." The doctor smiled, writing something down on the clipboard he was holding.

Bruce smiled, then spoke "Is there anywhere specific I'm supposed to walk?" The doctor looked around, then backed into the corner of the room, across from Bruce and Vance's beds. "Try walking to me, then back, we'll have Mr. Hopper do the same thing." The doctor smiled, Bruce nodded taking small steps.

He was able to walk towards the doctor but he stopped for a minute, then turned around, walking back towards his bed. "Great job Mr. Yamada, it looks like you're clear to leave, but first I need to make sure Mr. Hopper is as well." Bruce nodded and sat on his bed.

Everyone's attention was turned to Vance now, the doctor spoke up. "Alright Mr. Hopper, it's your turn now, I want you to try walking to me then back, just like Mr. Yamada." Vance nodded, slowly getting up using the handle on his bed for support, just like Bruce did.

The others were whispering words of encouragement, Vance cursed under his breath, this hurt him more considering he was shot in the stomach and not his side. But he wasn't going to let this stop him from going home. He stood up straight, the doctor smiled.

Vance took small steps towards the doctor, then stopped for a minute. "Great job Mr. Hopper, you're doing excellent." The doctor spoke, which made Vance crack a small smile. He slowly turned around and walked back to his bed, the others cheered, this meant both Vance and Bruce could go home!

The doctor wrote some things down on his clipboard, then spoke with a smile. "Alright, it looks like Mr. Yamada and Mr. Hopper are free to go home! Both of them showed they're able to walk without assistance which is what we were looking for!"

The others smiled and walked over to Vance and Bruce's bed, Griffin hugged Vance, who smiled and hugged him back. "I'm so glad you both can come home!" Griffin said, looked up at Vance while hugging him, then he looked at Bruce. The boys were given spare clothes to change into, once they were both dressed the doctor gave them the clear to head home.

A/N: And this is where I end this chapter, the next chapter will take place about a week after this happened🤗

Bruce and Vance are terrified of guns and loud noises now💀

I'm trying to give y'all longer chapters as an apology for lack of updates :,)

1455 words🥲

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