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The Bunny World War finally ended after going on for 18193929919191991 years.

Gaspard was the one who gave up. Afterwards, Simon became god and banished Gaspard to hell. There, he befriended demons and got a new boyfriend........... Satan himself

Gaspard ascended out of the ground, killing random people on impact. Unfortunately, he also killed......

the slushie machine

"GASPArD wh y !1!1!1!1!" Simon screeched. He went to the slushie machine and sobbed as it bled out onto him.

"Don't leave me babe! I need u here with me tonight! I need u to end the fight! I need u so I can eat your guts!1!1!1!1" Simon then proceeded to eat the blue slushie guts, and the slushie machine screamed and said, "babe! why?!!1!?1!!1?"

and then... she died 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

Then, Satan ascended out of the ground as well. He too killed random people on impact, but he also killed.....

a chick-fill-a worker

"That's the guy who kidnapped me when I was an infant!1!1!!1!" Gaspard said. "He used to give me junk food to fatten me up so he could cook me in some stew! He was so hot tho 😔"

He started sobbing dramatically

Then, Satan came up to his boyfriend and said, "It's okay babe. We can get through this... together"

And then they started to make out

"Ew get a room guys" A random guy said loudly.

Satan used his tail to evaporate him, and he burned to death. And Satan didn't stop making out with Gaspard during any of it. Rip bozo

"You know what I'll get a boyfriend too!1!1!1!!" Simon said, because he was... jealous. He degraded from his god form and became a dorito.

"Now I can hook up with cool ranch dorito chicks!!!!" Simon declared epicly. But THEN...

he got stepped on

And then Gaspard and Satan both began to devour the remains of Simon... having no remorse, even as they listened to his screams 😔

"Nice and cheesy" Satan said

After he was eaten, Simon was still alive. Now he was being DIGESTED

f in the chat for dorito Simon

Will Simon make it out alive??? Will he be able to un-dorito himself and get revenge??? Will this be the last chapter??? Idk why are you asking me

Simon the HomelessWhere stories live. Discover now