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A Demon Army. Chaos and Bloodshed. Nightmares coming to life. A Vision taking place.

The Rise of Tartus.

The second vision of the Supreme Triumvirate will come to pass. The Evil Lord's Blacksmith, the wicked Tartus, will resurrect and bring chaos in the world. Fathers will turn against their own families, Mothers will abandon their children, and children will wander across the Earth.

No, it's not the end of the world... but something far worse.

It's the beginning of the Dark Days.

Before this age comes, the only hope of mankind lies in the union of the three chosen youth, the Salvation Triumvirate. Only they have the power to destroy Tartus and put an end to his reign in the dark days. Only they have the power to create the ultimate weapon that can go up against Tartus's infamous Makina.

But... who are they? Who are the members of the Salvation Triumvirate? Where are they? Are they fully aware of the great darkness that is about to destroy thousands of lives?

Wherever they are, they must unite and build the ultimate weapon of Light... the ultimate weapon of the Master.

If they fail... Tartus reigns forever.

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