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Scott took Corinthia to where the whole Union's Security Army was. The Prince and Sir Josef disappeared all of the sudden, so she didn't even get to present them to the Elder. She wondered how they managed to leave so fast.

The whole Union's Security Army was there in the clearing. They were surrounding a cave. Corinthia saw her Mom and Dad, as well as the Elder.

"Dad! Cynthia, is she..."

Corinthia trailed off when something hard crashed on her left cheek. The force was so painful that she had lost her balance and fell, face down to the ground.

"Rin!!" Scott exclaimed and was about to help her up but her Dad shouted, "Stay out of this!"

Corinthia looked up and saw her Dad looking down on her. She held her left cheek, feeling the pain of the slap he just gave her.

"How could you disobey me? Why!! Have you completely no respect to me?!"

She slowly stood up, but looking down as her father expressed his anger on her... for the nth time.

"You disobeyed me! I told you not to visit Sir James yet you defied me!"

"I'm sorry, Father."

He sighed and looked away. "I don't know what to do with you anymore... you have disgraced me countless times already."

Just then, "Watch your mouth, Sir Tom."

Corinthia widened her eyes as someone held her from behind, a hand on her shoulder.

She heard gasp and whispers around and she looked up to see my Father's eyes wide and his face turning pale. Corinthia looked around and saw that one by one, each member of the Security Army bowed on their knees, including her parents and the Elder.

She looked behind her and exclaimed, "Prince Zerah!"

"Oh, it is our honor to be in your presence, your excellency." The Elder says respectfully, the first one to stand up after bowing.

The Prince eyed Sir Tom as he slowly got up, "I will say this once, my good sir... Watch how you address this young lady. Although she is your daughter, she will also be your salvation... for she is a Triumvir."

Again, everyone gasp and the whispers became louder. Corinthia's father looked at the Prince in shock and then to his daughter.

"Sir...Your highness, with all due respect and honor... the Triumvir..." the Elder spoke, trembling, "The Salvation Triumvir is just a legend..."

At that moment, Prince Zerah wielded his sword and pointed it towarads the sky, "Legend? Then what do you call me? What do you call this young lady next to me?"

Just then, from behind, Sir Josef appeared, "Dear Elder, I'm afraid that you're very much wrong in saying that the Salvation Triumvirate is a legend." he said.

All eyes were at him right now, "Everyone!! These youths standing before you right now... Prince Zerah of Salen and your very own Corinthia of Union 9... They are two of the three members of the Salvation Triumvirate." he announced to the whole union.

Everyone looked in awe at Corinthia and their expressions were wide and cynical.

"You... you can't be serious..." Sir Tom spoke.

"We will discuss this later!" Prince Zerah finally said, and then he looked at Corinthia, who was in a state of shock herself. He shook her, "Listen!"

Corinthia looked up and stared at his blue eyes, deep and solemn.

"We have reasons to believe that they kidnapped your sister because they believe that she's a triumvir. Now, here's the plan. There is another entrance to the cave in the other side of the forest. The army will cause a distraction here while you and I enter from there and free your sister. Do you understand?"

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