PART 1: The Salvation Triumvirate

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Elder Josef of Union 12 sat on his favorite chair outside of his cottage on a cold starry night, watching the stars and determining the meanings of each one; keeping watch for any sign that the Master of Old and New would reveal.

"Great Master... how long will you remain silent to a faithful spirit?" he asked in the midst of solitude, the same question he asks every night as he watches the stars for the Sign to finally come.

Finally, after thousands of years since the Third Vision, and after sixty years of his reverent life, a blinding light appeared in the night sky. And although the light was so great, Elder Josef refused to shield his eyes from it. He stood up from his chair and walked across his front yard, never looking away from the light.

In the nightsky, just several inches away from the Full Moon, three bright diamond stars shone, forming a trianular constellation.

Tears formed in the Elder's eyes and bowed down, whispering, "Thank You Master! You have honored your servants desires, You have honored your servants whispers."

Suddenly, he heard a voice, "Get up, Elder Josef of Union 12."

Elder Josef looked up and his eyes widened and his heart almost stopped.

Right before his eyes, he saw an tall man in a white robe, His face was flawless, his eyes a deep color blue, almost like sapphires. In his excitement, he looked back up at the Triangular constellation and exclaimed, "The Sign truly is genuine!" And then he looked back at the man with white robe, "Oh Sire, please, allow your servant to invite you to his humble abode and serve you the best choice of bread and wine."

The man with white shook his head, "No, my visit will be brief. I only came to tell you that on this night, across the whole kingdom, the first member of the Salvation Triumvirate has been born."

Once again, Elder Josef's eyes filled with tears when he heard the great news, "Thank you sir... Now... very soon, my soul shall rest in peace upon knowing that the third vision will soon come to pass."

And again, the man in white robe shook his head, "No... that is why I am here. Come forward, faithful servant."

Without hesitating, Elder Josef approached the man and knelt down.

"You shall become the mentor of the First Triumvir of Salvation."

Elder Josef widened his eyes and looked up, "But Sir!! I am not worthy..."

"And it is for that very reason that the Master knows you are."

"Sir, I am sincere when I say that I am a mere old man and not worthy for such a task... but if the Master commands it, then I shall do everything within my power to do what my Purpose is." he bowed down.

"Very well said... Now, you must leave everything you have here in Union 12 and go to where the first triumvir is."

"Where is he, master?"

The man nodded his head, "I am sure you know the answer to that. The key of the First Triumvir was blessed by Abra, the Head Elder of the First Generation. The honored and respected leader of the whole Farmer's Village in the days of old."

Elder Josef did know who the first triumvir was and was ashamed that he was not wise enough to know immediately. "I understand sir... May I ask though... what about the remaining two members of the Salvation Triumvirate?"

"In a few years, they too will be born." the man pointed at the stars, "When you see the triangular constellation in the sky, that means that one has been born, and when you see it again, the last has been born."

"Will I stand as mentor for them too?"

Again, the man shook his head, "No... yours will be the First Triumvir. That is your task. Do it well, and do it right. This is your purpose."

Elder Josef bowed down, "Let it be as what the Master said."

And in a blinding light, a key appeared in the hand of Elder Josef. He examined what it was and widened his eyes as he stared at it.

"Give it to the first triumvir when it is time." the man in white robe said.

When Elder Josef looked up to respond, the man was gone.

Kneeling on the ground, Elder Josef whispered, "Oh Master, thank You so much for this task. Thank You so much for this task You placed on my shoulders and this Key You placed on my hand. I will follow Your wishes until my last breath."

And then, getting back on his feet, he looked back up in the Triangular Constellation and bowed once more. Then turning his feet, he head back inside his humble cottage, waiting for tomorrow morning for the news that will signal him to leave Union 12 to become the mentor of the first triumvir.

"In the next years, when the other two triumvirs are born, it is my wish that, with the help of their mentors, they shall succeed in fulfilling their glorious mission."

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