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Upon hearing the sound of her sister's scream from a distance, Corinthia tried getting away instinctively but she was just blocked by two of Xignas's men.

"Ah, ah, ah... We can't have you running off and getting reinforcements, can we?" Xignas sneered, and then shrugged proudly, "And even if you got the whole army of your little Union, it wouldn't be enough to bring us down."

Cautiously, Corinthia backed away from the two men and went beside Sir James. "Cynthia... please be okay..."


Just when she finished giving her oration, Cynthia paled to see a group of ten men surrounding the stage, and one of them, who was wearing a black cloak, was just a few feet away from her, staring down at her.

"Cynthia!" Jasper cried out, he was about to run up the stage but he was held back by her father.

"Stop! You don't have a weapon to defend yourself from the attackers!"

"Wha...what do you want from me?" Cynthia stammered as the man in black cloak approached her.

He laughed maniacally, "That was a very... enlightening oration you gave just a moment ago..." he said, circling her like a vulture to its corpse meal, "The tale about the First Generation... very detailed narration, miss..." he said as he closed to a stop to whisper in her hear, "Told boldly just like how a true triumvir would."

"Tri... Triumvir??" she repeated anxiously. The word was foreign to her.

"Yes! Oh, I guess I should be honored to stand in the presence of a member of the Salvation Triumvir.... but the only honor I'd receive is respect of the dead!!" All of the sudden, he wielded his sword and placed it just inches away from her throat.

Cynthia widened her eyes and she couldn't even gasp.

Jasper shouted angrily, "Cynthia!!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!" Attempting to run up the stage and save his mate, but the other men wearing black tunics and robes, blocked any entrance up the stage.

The cloaked sneered, "Any last words, Triumvir?"

Cynthia paled and tears started to form in her eyes. She closed her eyes and uttered a silent plea to the Master of Old and New.

Suddenly, something fell on the stage's floor with a loud THUD and a thick smoke covered the entire stage.

"AHH!! What's this?!!!" the man in black cloak yelped.

Cynthia was startled when someone scooped her up and then carried her away from the cloaked man, jumping down the stage.

The next thing she knew, her mysterious hero landed and when he set her down, the thick smoke cleared, and she was surprised to notice that she was finally safe, a few meters away from Jasper.

"Cynthia!!" Jasper immediately ran to her and placed his arms protectively around her.

"YOU!!!! WHO DARES GET IN MY WAY!!" the cloaked man snapped, his eyes glaring down on the mysterious hero of Cynthia.

Cynthia turned and saw that he was wearing a black jacket, a hood on, and a cloth covering half of his face, his green eyes the only thing visible.

Just then, Greg with the rest of the Unions' Security Army charged in and attacked the band of ten men.

"GRR.... This is not the end! I will have my victory!" the cloaked man yelled, "Men! Fall back! We dare not waste our time on an amateur army! RETREAT!!" And with not a minute to lose, they whole pack left swiftly, retreating to the forest.

"We can't let them get away!!" Greg exclaimed.

"STOP!" the Elder suddenly stood up.

All eyes turned to him, "Let them go... we are lucky no one got hurt among us. Let them be.. we're safe now."

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