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18 years later


Rays of sunlight entered the windows of a cottage in Union 9. The twins Cynthia and Corinthia woke as the light from the rays gently shone above them. Corinthia, the elder twin, was the first to get up and stretch.

"Cyn, come on, wake up. Today's your special day." she told her beloved twin.

Cynthia yawned as she slowly sat up and stretched, "G'morning Rin... and what's so special about my day if you can't even be there?"

Corinthia smiled slightly, "That's... the way things have to be, Cyn."

Cynthia sighed but didn't respond to that anymore, knowing that her older sister was right. "I still say it's unfair." she said.

Corinthia shrugged, "I'm used to 'unfair' scenarios. Come on, let's have breakfast and I'll help you get dressed."

They were talking about an annual ceremony that takes place all over the Kingdom of Salen, in all twelve unions of the beautiful land of Salen. Two outstanding youths will be chosen by the Elder and Chief of the union: One Farmer, and One Hunter. From all teenagers aging 13-19, only two will be chosen to give an offering to the Master of Old and New. The Hunter youth will offer music, while the Farmer youth will offer an oration. And then at the end of the ceremony, the family of the Farmer representative and the family of the Hunter representative will trade their best item to each other; the farmer family tasked to offer a basket of the first produce of their crops, and the hunter family will trade the good for an invention they created since they are well-known for being skilled blacksmiths. According to tradition, this is done every year to ensure unity and peace among the village of Farmers and the tribe of Hunters; a practice that has been observed since the First Generation thousands of years ago.

Fortunately for their family, Cynthia has been chosen by the Elder of the Farmers Village to represent all farmers due to her hard work in the fields despite being female and for recently concucting a mixture of herbs that was effective in preventing pests that destroys their crops over a period of three days. She was bright and quite inventive, and a very cheerful young lady happily involved in a relationship with her best friend Jasper, much to the disappoint of other hopeful young men that wishes to pursue her.

Corinthia was very proud of her younger twin and wishes with all her might that she could witness the grand ceremony that happens only once every year. But due to a past mistake, she was forbidden by her father to attend ever since she was twelve years old. Now that she's 16, she misses the times back when she was a child when she would witness the much awaited event. She tried asking her father whether she could attend just this once since her sister would be the representative for the first time ever, but her father, still unforgiving to what she had done before, refused stubbornly. Not wanting to cause any more trouble with her dad, she decided to keep her mouth shut and just cry at night, regretting her little misdeed once upon a time.

As she braided Cynthia's long brown hair, she gave advices to her little sister, "Now, we both know how clumsy you can be sometimes, but trust me, this is not the time to have one of those fail moments." she said. "Stand tall and square your shoulders, and remember, we're all very proud of you... Dad, especially." she said after placing a ribbon at the end of Cynthia's braided ponytail.

Cynthia sighed and stood up, she turned around and embraced her older sister, "I really wish you could be there."

Corinthia bit her lips to prevent from getting teary eyed, "Me too... But even though I won't get to witness it, don't forget... while enjoying every moment of the ceremony, don't forget how proud and happy I am for you."

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