If I swung that way, I'd definitely tap that.

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Decided to do a full story based on my first ever work I put up on here, already got head start on it while I'm still working on my previous work.

Hope you all enjoy it :)


April 2007. Tessa's POV.

University of California, my first year here and I was hating it. I had a few friends, but I kept away from them, only hanging out when parties were happening on the weekends. My girlfriend Lisa lives in L.A, lucky prick she is. At least she makes the effort to visit me and call me once and a while, unlike my dad.

My dad and I have had a rocky relationship these past years, but we're slowly improving on it. My mom passed away in a car accident back in 2001 when I was 13. It's just been us two since then.

I was on the soccer field, kicking balls from the center line to the goalposts by myself just to pass time and practice on a few things. A girl who looked roughly the same age as me was at the sideline, staring at me with a look of shock before she walked towards me. I didn't want to speak to anyone but I just let her come over and see what she had to say.

"I can't believe you hit that from here," The girl says and I just shrugged my shoulders. She held out her hand and I looked at her confused, "Alex Morgan." She said and I shook her hand and continued with what I was doing.

"Tessa Hartman."

"You don't like talking much do you?"

"No." Is all I say. I never really liked talking to people, I did if I knew them real well and considered them a friend, but I was reserved and quiet, and never liked people I didn't know so when I met them I either liked them or figured out the reason why I hated them in the first place. That's just how I was.

Alex kept watching me and I started to feel uncomfortable, "You're on the soccer team right?" I nodded and she smiled, "Cool. I am too. Maybe we could hangout sometime."

"Yeah, maybe."

I hoped that this would end the conversation but she stuck around, "Can I ask you something?" I kicked one of the balls in front of me and watched it fly straight into the back of the net, then I looked at her, wanting to know her question.

"How'd you get into soccer?" She asked.

"One reason. World Cup '99." I tell her and her face lit up even more than what it did before, "Same here. Watching Mia Hamm, Julie Foudy, Brandi Chastain was awesome when I was growing up."

Alex didn't seem bad at all. Just speaking to her only for these few minutes had made me like her. She sounds like someone trustworthy. "Should've seen me back then, I was glued to the TV." Alex laughed at my response.

We both just chatted for a few more minutes before she had to leave to meet up with someone for a date. We exchanged numbers and now she was another friend added to the list of a small group of people I knew.


"Hey Tess!" I turned around and saw one of my other close friends, and also my teammate on the soccer team, Kylie. She walked up to me and gave me a huge smile.

"Ready for the big game this weekend? You'll be able to see O'Hara,"

I chuckled and shook my head, "I'm ready. But I find it funny that everyone is saying she's got a crush on me."

"It's true though, everytime we face Stanford she always looks like a deer in headlights when she looks at you, and when you look at her, she blushes. If I swung that way, I'd definitely tap that."

The quiet and crazy life of Tessa Hartman and Kelley O'HaraWhere stories live. Discover now