I-I think we did. Yeah, we came across it very well.

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Here's the new chapter, enjoy! :)


World Cup Final.

"Come on Kel! We better join the party in the locker room!"

Today we won the World Cup final against the Netherlands. We all celebrated on the field for a long time before retreating to the locker room. The weather decided to turn to shit during the match and it started raining as we all retreated to the locker room.

"We're not here! We're not here!" I yelled as Kelley and I ran into the locker room with the media following. We then turned around and held our arms out, "Here we are!" Kelley exclaimed.

"Take my picture!" I tell the media people while the team laughs at our antics.

Alex came over and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, pulling her towards me.

"Look at me! Yeah, look at me! Yeah, no, look at me!" I put my hand up and down in front of Alex's face, once again making everyone laugh.

The door was then closed as we partied hard. I was having so much fun that I didn't know who was filming the night for us drunk ones. I'm pretty sure it was Ash and Carli.

"Nail 'em up!" I yelled while looking at Ash, who was filming. "Shark!" Kelley yelled from behind.

Me, Kelley and Tobin were yelling gibberish as we got quite rowdy after a few beers.

Mal was standing around with a drink in hand and Tobin and I walked over to her while Ash was still recording.

"This-This is Mal, look at Mal. This is Mal. See Mal? That is Mal." I say while Tobin twirls around in front of the camera and I constantly cover Mal's face, who was grinning over how stupid we were all acting.

After what felt like an hour, all recording was stopped when I think it was Sonnett who said something

"Hey, Hey, no film. No film. No, no." She says as she places her hand on Ash's phone, covering the camera.

Some of the press were unfortunately brought in so they could do interviews. I hoped not to be doing one, but I had too. So I just figured I'd get it out of the way, at least Alex is doing it with me.

"This is Melissa Jones from ESPN here in the US women's national team's locker room where the party is in full swing, and I'm joined here by Alex Morgan and Tessa Hartman. You guys are already having some fun and congratulations on winning the World Cup."

"Well thank you very much!" Alex exclaimed and I started laughing.

"Now, you look as if you've got the right–This is a guide to what you should wear here in France if it rains. As you can see Alex is sporting the latest attire to keep her warm over here." Alex starts hitting modelling poses as the journalist is speaking, earning a few laughs from the others.

"It wasn't very good conditions out there, so how did you guys cope with that?"

"It was great for us 'cause it didn't start raining until we got back here." Alex says.

"So you had a good time?"

"Oh it was great!" Alex says enthusiastically, before giving a goofy smile to Allie and Kelley.

"What was your feeling heading into this last match? Did it affect your performance?" Melissa asks and points the microphone to Alex.

"I was nervous. I'm pretty sure all of us were since this was the finals. And once that first whistle blew my nervousness just went out the window. So yeah. That's it, say something." She smacked me on the back and the mic was pointed towards me.

The quiet and crazy life of Tessa Hartman and Kelley O'Haraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن