Can you tell me what the fuck I have?

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Tessa's POV. January 2020.

Kelley and I purchased a nice house, with lots of privacy around it and moved in just last month. Christmas was exciting as always, and this time, Jerry, Erin, Karen and Dan had come up to ours and we all celebrated together.

Since my knee and wrist pains have gotten extremely worse over the years and while Kelley and I were moving into our home, we went to the doctors and found out I had a severe case of arthritis. They gave me a brace for my knee when I played soccer and tried giving me painkillers, I downright refused taking them and then they told me I had to stay away from three of my favorite things.

No way in hell I'll be giving up red meat and beer as well as the most important one, peanut butter.

I just arrived back home from visiting Katie down in L.A and I wasn't feeling too good. My right arm was swelling up and I'm convinced something bit me, but I didn't want to deal with it now. I just wanted to sleep.

"Hey, you're back. I missed you," Kelley engulfed me in a big hug and kissed me right as I walked in the door. She quickly noticed that my mood wasn't good, "You okay?"

"Kel, I need to show you something, even though I really don't want to."

"What is it?" Her voice became concerned.

I took my shirt off, exposing my right arm and showed it to her. Kelley's eyes went wide and gasped, "Tess, we need to go now. We need to get you to the ER."

"I don't want to. I wanna sleep." I told her.

We both argued for not even a minute and she begrudgingly agreed to let me go to bed.

The next morning she convinced me to go, "Hey, lets go get your arm checked, okay?" She whispered and I groaned. I barely had any strength so Kelley had to help me up.

"Come on Tess, up you go," She wrapped her arm around me and lifted me up. My eyes were still half closed, and that was because I was still waking up. By the time she got me in the car, I was fully awake.

On the way to the hospital, I noticed the skin on my arm go from bright red, to a blackish looking color. When we arrived, Kelley helped me in and the nurses instantly ran over and took me away. Thankfully they knew what was happening straight away. Kelley had followed and while I was sitting on a hospital bed, I looked at her.

"Go home, Kel. We don't know if this is life or death. Plus, I'm going to be stuck here for a bit."

She looked hesitant, but stood up and gave me a deep kiss, "Call me if anything happens, okay? I love you so damn much."

"I love ya too, Kel." And with that, she was off.

About three or four hours later after multiple tests, Dr. Anderson had this unrecognizable look on his face, "Tessa. We may have to amputate your arm."

My eyes went wide, "What?! No way that's happening."

"Look, I said we may have to. If it does come down to that then it'll have to happen, otherwise you'll be dead. You're lucky you got here when you did."

He walked out and I reached out for my phone and called Kelley to give her a update.

"Kel, it's not good. They may have to amputate. I think you need to come back here." I say to her over the phone.

She started freaking out and told me she was on her way back. Dr. Anderson came back told me the game plan, "Right, Tessa. We're going to bring you into surgery to remove the dead tissue on  your arm."

The quiet and crazy life of Tessa Hartman and Kelley O'HaraWhere stories live. Discover now