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annabeth pov

I was so excited! Today was the day I would finally meet Percy after what seemed to be ages.

Long story cut short, I had moved to New York, specifically, camp half-blood. I had moved because of the number of monsters in San Francisco. Though I hadn't told anyone, I mainly moved here because of Percy. I missed him so much. I would wake up in the morning feeling like somebody had ripped out half my soul and I knew that the only person who could fill that gaping hole was Percy. I guess going through Tartarus with someone did that to you.

Anyways, I had reached camp yesterday and today was going to be my first day at Goode high. I hoped that Percy would be glad to see me. A small part of me wondered whether he wanted me to interfere with his mortal life or not. But I brushed that thought out of my mind. Of course he would be glad to see me!

So I walked to school, even though it was quite far from here, and I finally reached.

I looked up at the building. The architecture was quite modern, though nothing exceptional, just like any ordinary city building. I walked to the main office and saw a woman behind a desk. I said "hi, I'm Annabeth Chase, a new student, can I please have my schedule?" she smiled and handed it over to me and asked "do you want somebody to show you around?" I said "no, that's OK, I already have a friend here.' and I left the building.

I found my locker and put all my stuff inside it. I hoped my locker was next to Percy's. I scanned the room, looking for him but I had no luck. everybody was whispering "look , that's the new girl" and other stuff, but I ignored them.

Finally, I saw Percy. He was walking along with two guys and a girl. On seeing her, a spike of jealousy shot through me. I have no idea why. I knew that he would never leave me for someone else. But it was so obvious that she liked him, a lot. But being the seaweed brain he was, he obviously didn't know.

He walked up to a locker and flung it pen. His locker was one locker away from mine, just one locker between us. I saw that it was the girls locker. I don't know why , but I didn't like her, probably cause she liked my boyfriend.

She saw me, and said "hi".

I replied by saying "hi, I'm Annabeth Chase" . I hope Percy heard.

Apparently not. He was having a heated argument with his friends about whether burgers were better with cheese or without it. Seaweed brain!

I walked up to him and I said "Hi seaweed brain! guess who it is!"

He turned around, screamed "Annabeth" and kissed me, and, as usual, I felt my brain melting. He pulled apart and said" Annabeth, what are you doing here?"

I said, " I am starting at Goode . today is my first day"

"cool" he said happily. He introduced me to his friends and they were amazed that I was real. But I felt that Jean was not so happy that I was real. I knew that she wished Percy was hers and for some reason I resented her for it. Me and Percy compared our schedules and found that we had many periods together. All except elective, where he had football/swimming and I had architecture. I kissed him once more and we walked to class together. I had a feeling that this year was going to be great!

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