Untitled Part 9

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When I reached the lake, I saw Annabeth already standing there. I walked up to her and she gave me a small, half-hearted smile. I wondered what was wrong. She said "Percy, about Jean, we don't really hate each other, its just that, .."

I said "its just what?" She said I don't want to interfere, and I know I shouldn't tell you this because its not fair to her, but she likes you" I rolled my eyes and said "Annabeth, that's why we're friends, you see" She groaned and said "I didn't mean it that way seaweed brain."

"oh" Realization struck me and I stood there shifting uncomfortably in my shoes. Then I said "why would she like me, I'm not really great when it comes to girls." "Trust me, I know" muttered Annabeth under her breath. then she said "Percy, hate to break it to you, but I think I know why Jean likes you, you're funny, sweet, kinda cute and basically the perfect boyfriend" "whoa " I said. That was a lot to take in. Then I said "is that why you hate her?"

She sighed and said "yes".

I laughed and said "Annabeth, you don't need to worry about her, she's my friend and its going to stay like that. I think of her more like a sister, you know. I love you and I think you should just trust me on this one, I had to summon up more courage to tell you I liked you than it took to beat Kronos. "

Annabeth smiled at me and Connor Stoll came to ruin 'the moment". Wassup guys, he said. "hi Connor" I said. "Sup Percy, mah brother." I rolled my eyes and asked him "what do you want?" He nervously said "save me from the wrath of Clarisse. I'll give you a pack of 12 cokes free. I grinned and said "deal". Annabeth walked of saying " I didn't hear this conversation. so if you guys get into trouble, don't involve me '. I laughed and said " so much for a supportive girlfriend"

I spent the rest of the day, challenging Clarisse to a swordfight , winning it and eating cheeseburgers. At night I went under the lake and drank a can of Pepsi, which tastes way better underwater .

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