not safe

53 1 0

6y ago

Murdocs pov,

I couldn't shake this feeling, I couldn't stop thinking about Stu and Paula..... Poor guy. What was wrong with me, he's just some Rich kid with a cheating girlfriend. I wish I never gave him that ride.

The next day at school.....

I went up to the roof of the school as I uselly do when I feel like ditching class when I saw a tall lanky blue haired figure.


He turned around quick his eyes wide.


M:" oh good I thought it was you, whatcha doing up here anyway?"

He held up his index and middle finger to reveal a lit cigarette.

With out a word I walk up to him and sat beside him, he silently passed his already lit cigarette.

M:"Oh uhhh thank you"


I hadn't noticed before I now thathe had a busted lip and a red bruised check.

M: "what's with the face blue"

He looks down and goes quite for a moment...

2ds pov,

S:" my dad isn't the funnest person to be around when he's drunk"

What was I doing... Telling him about my dad.... Was I trying to give him more reasons to fuck with me.

M:"faceache I never thought-hey I was gonna go to some place I have near the woods if you wanted to join me-?"

S:"I'm fine, I have plans tonight:

The truth was I didn't want to join him, dose he think he could treat me this way and still get away with it?

M:" that's fine, but if anything changes here's my number"

He grabs my phone and starts typing his number, and with that he left.

Murdocs pov,

When I got home my dad wasn't there so I grabbed a case of beer and some weed from my stash and got on my way to the woods

I really hoped he'd show up. Didn't know why but something deep inside wanted to see him again.

2ds pov,

He came home drunk again and was made about something stupid again. I had grown tired of getting between there arguments so this time I just sat there in my room. I didn't feel like being home it's not safe for me. So I called Murdoc ....


S:" fuck it I'll go to that spot you told me about"

M:oh that's great, do you want me to pick you up?"


And with that he hung up.
I pulled out a coat and snuck out through my window, I texted Murdoc to tell him to pick me up Infront of the corner store at the end of my street

" Here we go " I said with out noticing,  let's see how he FUCKS me over this time.

AN: I got another chapter done so 😊. ALSO HIIII STUIPOP

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