I felt for him

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The next morning

Murdocs pov,

I awoke to see Stu still asleep on my lap, he looked so peaceful sitting there. I gently woke him and led him to my car so we could go home.

S:" I don't wanna go back"

M:" how come?"

S:" they don't know I snuck out last night and knowing my dad, hes probably drunk and pissed about me leaving"

M:" how about this, I'll walk you in and I'll stay with you for as Long as you want... Hmm"

S:"yeah!!" he says with a smile"

I feel my chest tighten and my stomach twist what's wrong with me?

When we get there Stu opens the door and I hear an angry grunt.

David pot (2ds dad): "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN !!!!!"

S:" I-I spent the night at my friends house.... I promise I didn't do anything bad dad!!!!"

His dad looks at me with a discussed look.

I return his gaze giving him the same nasty snerr as he goes back to his seat on the couch.

S:" l-let's go up stairs"

I follow. Once where in his room I ask him about his dad...

S:" he's a drunk and when he's mad he ether beats me or my mom,.... I hate him. If it wasn't for you being there with me he would've hit me, thankyou for coming with me Murdoc..... It means alot"

M:" it's no problem Stu" I promise him

I felt for him... I really did, I remember when I was him

I Hate You ||2DOC STUDOC AU|| Where stories live. Discover now