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Murdocs pov,

He got up and stood at the edge of the lake. He looked so beautiful under the moon light,  I got up to join him.

S: "so why do you come down here Murdoc?" His question catches me off guard"

M: "well.... I don't really like being home yah know..... My bastard of a father isn't the most agreeable most of the time so, I come out here. Plus nobody really bothers me when I'm here"

S:"Do you usually bring people down here to talk"

M:"hmm..sometimes, not uselly. Don't want this place to get popular, then I couldn't use it to escape could I?"

I look over to him with a smile as He blushes and looks away.

Things got quite so I got an idea!!!

M: "let's go skinny dipping!"
My request surprised him but it didn't seem to scare him.

S:"uhhh... You sure?"

M:" why not, it's just me and you right. Plus it's not like anyone's looking at you right?"

S:"fine. Let's do it" he says with a smile.

2ds pov,

I begin to undress when I see that he's already in the water

S:" wow that quick!!" He nods

I step into to cool water before he pulls me in completely. 

Sometime passes

We started getting out and even though I tried not too I could see how lean and cut he was. I blushed and looked away before he could notice

We just sat there with no words between us, just looking at the light coming from the moon as it reflects on the water.

I leaned into murdocs shoulder as I fell asleep, he stroked my blue hair and whispered to me

M:"it'll all be ok Blue"

I looked up at him and smiled.

Where was all this kindness coming from all of a sudden? Maybe he really had changed, I can't jinx it!!!!

AN: I'm so tierd I'll update tm maybe

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