Part 1 Where IT all started

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IT was born in 1942 as a normal human,nothing out of the ordinary was different about him.Not a clown and not even funny not one bit.Just him will that's not his name of course his name was Henry smith. Born to the parents of jack smith and Caroline Mackfield.

His mother grew up bullied for being different.Her parents worked long hours at a factory, they never were home. She raised herself for as long as she could remember. She lived in an old shack house. It looked like it would fall down instantly if a little bit of wind came by.Her parents couldn't afford expensive things for her so they got clothes from other people's hammy downs. But without her family being home she learned a lot of things all by herself. She had to wake up an hour early because her bus didn't go down her street, which it did but didn't go at all. When she gets ready to leave the house just to walk to the bus it would take about forty-five minutes to get to the town's bus stop. Sometimes the bus would see her but would go past her.

The bus driver treated her badly and so did everyone else in town and at school.They thought that her and her family were cursed but that wasn't the case. And sometimes she had to walk to school which was an extra thirty-five minutes. She would be late for class. The teacher would ask her why she was late. She didn't answer and stood still, this happened most of the time and she would get sent to ISS. People going past would call her names and laugh at her for no reason. This was an everyday routine of embarrassment and torture.

But it wasn't always like this until she became friends with the popular kids, the leader of the kids name was Sally Anderson, she started inviting Carolina to seat with them for lunch everyday to sally made it official for them to be best of friends, things were good with the friend they had until sally saw her boyfriend was trying to kiss Caroline,sally was angry but Carolina tried telling sally for days that her boyfriend was constantly harassing her. But she didn't want to hear what she had to say to defend herself in the situation. Her boyfriend denied what really happened and started saying she pushed herself on him. She took his side and became enemies with her ever since then. Sally then started spreading rumors about her that weren't true. And since she was popular everyone believed her.

But with everything that had happened to her she still managed to at least keep a good grade for her classes.

But you would think that her parents would comfort her,but when she gets home to her family they blame her for the reason of the rumor of them being cursed. She didn't know how to cope with all the emotions and physical abuse that came with it. So she turned to something exotic, witchcraft. She would practice it every other day, but on one particular day she would get a surprise that would change her life. She came home as usual and her couple and their child were in her house. Her parents had made an agreement to marry her off to the boy for money. She hated the fact she had to marry the boy and disagreed with the plan. But there was no stopping her parents once they made up their mind.

She was forced to marry him anyways, the marriage was depressing for her.It was bad enough she had to quit school only at fourteen. But she fell pregnant at the age of 15, and even though she did witchcraft she was still religious and wanted to work through the marriage the right way. The baby was born and life got hectic and Jack had to get a job for the first time. They bought a house that looked like it needed to be torn down but that was all they could afford. The marriage was also falling apart soon after, Jack would leave the house at odd hours of the day without telling Carolina.

Carolina realized that Jack was cheating. She confronted him about it and did not deny that it was a lie. He told her, it was true, he was trying to hurt her. She wanted out of the marriage and told her family about him and his family too. But Jack didn't care, he then would hit his wife for any little thing.She was tired of feeling sad in the marriage. But still know one said or did anything to him. She started going crazy and went into depression and turned to witchcraft. She got tired of the abuse and did witchcraft on him. He had a heart attack and died.

But she didn't stop there and continued to do witchcraft, she cursed her son so that he didn't have to deal with what she dealt with. And made a deal with the devil and didn't finish the deal so he took her soul and she died.

IT was left to raise himself and learn how to kill. Once his mother died he was left at the door of an orphanage. They took him in unknowing that he had a curse, the orphanage tried contacting his family that lived in the area. No one answered, and no one had seen his mother or heard from her. Yet no one knew she was dead, her mother and father had gotten a lot of calls from the orphanage and they didn't want to get their grandson. And it wasn't like they didn't know about him; their daughter would send them postcards with photos. So IT grew in the orphanage killing left to right, no one knew who was killing the children....

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