Part 9 Losing a loved one

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Lily's parents had to leave soon, they knew that their daughter needed some time away from them. But this time they didn't come back to visit them again. Lily started to worry about them because they would have called by now. It's been months since they came back to visit. So she got on the first flight that she could get on.

When she got to the palace there was no palace, it was buried down. She had no idea what happened, so she went into town to ask around. The townspeople told her that her family was in the hospital and was in critical condition. She rushed to the hospital in tears. When she got there they were doctors taking her to her parents private room. As she walked down the hallway there were flowers all down the hallway. When she got in the room her mom was up, she never hugged her mom so much. Her father was asleep, but he wasn't as bad off as her mom. Her mom told her everything,"Someone in the palace that was new in the kitchen had cooked something and forgot that they had food on and it caught on fire."The fire was so bad that it spread so quick, I was sleep and your father wasn't home."By the time I woken up the fire had already got to my room."I couldn't get out of my room, and the last thing I remember was that I was in the hospital." I ended up finding out that your father rescued me out of the palace just in time."We were planning on coming to see you as well this week, but I'm glad you're here though.Right after she said that she started coughing non stop, then her monitor started beeping.

The doctors rushed up there telling her to leave the room."What's happening to my mom, is she going to be ok. She was sitting in the waiting room for hours, the doctors finally came back and told her that her mom was bad off from inhaling all the smoke from the fire and that she had a heart attack. "What caused the heart attack?"It is possible that the smoke caused the heart attack and could get worse, but we are trying to treat it the best way possible but we can't stop the spreading from the smoke so she might not make it."What about my father he was least bad off than your mother and we hope for a more quicker recovery for him. She didn't know how to react, the next best thing was for her to call IT and see how her family was doing, and they were doing fine.

Lily went ahead to tell IT what had happened,he was completely shocked. She told him that she would be at the hospital for some time and to look after the kids, and she'll be home soon. The next few days at the hospital were very tough but she had gotta to see her father wake up and he was getting better. Her mother on the other hand was alone getting worse. But later that week her mother was up with good energy. So Lily felt good that they both were doing better and she went back home.

She wasn't home long enough until the doctors called and said that her mother had passed away. She dropped the phone and stood there in shock, IT had to catch her when she fell. He knew that something had happened, he had broken to tell the kids they all cried. They all went to her funeral, the king was so much in shock he couldn't talk. After the funeral Lily went to ask the doctors what was the cause of her death." The day you left we later found out she had carbon monoxide poisoning and it killed her, and we couldn't stop it from spreading in her body. She had felt guilty that she couldn't do anything to save her mother and that hurted her. She couldn't get over her mothers death neither did her father.

Lily was depressed for a long time, most of the time she wouldn't come out of the room or even eat or neither interact with the kids.This was unfair to IT, but he was very understanding and took all of these responsibilities. Things were still the same for her for the past month, he went to find her a therapist.But when he found a therapist she was very unresponsive to answering questions and would sometimes cry.Then one day when her therapy session was over the therapist went to talk to IT." I know that you wanted me to treat your wife and I have been treating her but her condition was way worse than I thought.'I would say that it's best to give her time and grieve, but there is also a more head position psychology in cases like this not saying that I can't held this but your wife needs more help than I can give her. With that IT just knew that it was best if she just grieving the way she was grieving and helding it the way she does that it may take its course.

And it did, she was back slightly and she gradually got back to her old self. But a lot of things had changed and her kids were doing things differently than she remembered. She had to learn everything the way IT had things placed and wrote down. It was like she was a nanny and this was her first at the job. She had missed that bond she had with the kids and the things she showed them. She would cry sometimes feeling guilty that her kids had missed tough times with her, but she soon gained back. She visited her father and they both were happy without crying.

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