Part 8 How would I forgive you

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When Lily got home IT was there sitting at the table, when she came in IT went straight out the door. That was going on for weeks until Lilly put a stop to it and said," I understand you are mad at me but we need to talk,"what needs to be talked about."Look I can't just leave my son growing up in the palace the way I did," so you think that I want to have him here." I would think you would understand way I want him here, I don't want him growing up in there and for once its your friends son,"but you forgot the part that he is your son and his mother is my wife."You know it's not that I care that you had a son with my best friend, but the fact that you lied about it."Look I know my way about coming out about this was not soon enough but I really need your say in this," you know you are my husband."I once was but I don't know now. With that he left once again, but he didn't come back until the next morning. Lily did know what she wanted to do, but just wanted IT to agree, scents they were married.

She also didn't want her son to grow up without his mother's scent; she's the only one alive. So the next day she called her father to let him know she was going to get him up. She went to pick her son up. He was quiet, but she expected that scent because he didn't know her that well.

When they got home IT was sitting on the couch watching tv with his daughter. She started introducing her son to IT, he didn't once look their way and just went to his room. Lily had no choice but to let him be and understand from his point of view, and she knew that this would take time for him to adjust. Almost weeks had flown past and IT still wasn't talking to her, that's when she had her breaking point with him and his nonchalant ways." Look I understand things have been hard on you with the situation that things are in, but you can't just stop talking to me."You should want to at least get to know your stepson, and also if it means anything I still haven't really gotten to know him that well either, so I guest in that way we learn together." Plus he's a boy, something I know you wanted to have was a son of your own, think of it that way."Look I know I have been hard to deal with lately, but I do want us to work together on this but I need time right now and space right now, if you can understand."Right?" Of Course I understand, I just wanted you to know that I am putting as much effort as you in this marriage. And I understand that you need space right now, and take all the time you need to."Thanks I love you," I love you too. With that they end everything on a positive note. Soon enough IT came around and they all started learning to parent their new son and so did their daughter, she was just happy to have a baby brother.

During this time they all were getting used to their new lives, almost three years had passed and Lily had gotten pregnant again with their second child. It was a boy, IT couldn't be more happy to have a baby boy of his own, his own flesh and blood. When she was getting farther along her pregnancy, she started going to all her doctor's appointments. The doctor one day told her that she couldn't have any more children. She wasn't so disappointed, but happy that it was her last pregnancy and she was having a baby boy with her husband. IT wasn't disappointed either, he was happy because he didn't want any more children and because this was going to be his first son. Lily took lots of vitamins, she even got really big in this pregnancy, the biggest she ever got in all her pregnancies. She got big so quick she had to be put on bed rest. She had gotten time to spend time with her kids, her son started getting more involved with the baby as well, IT would be home more as well. They both had found ways to fix their marriage and bond together in this pregnancy. Next thing they knew it was time for the baby to be born, everything happened so quickly. The baby was born in less than 3 hours, it was also one of her fastest births. Her parents knew nothing of her pregnancy, hse had talked to them for months. She planned on keeping it that way, she thought that it wasn't a good idea to talk to them but IT thought otherwise."Look I understand that maybe you're not talking to your parents but I do think it's best if they know that they have a new grandchild in the family." I know I have thought about letting them know by sending them a postcard letting them know, but I just am not quite ready to talk to them." I understand". Lily did go through the process of sending a postcard to them weeks later, they instantly sent a postcard back asking about how she was doing, she didn't reply. So they got the first flight and went there to see them.Lily was shocked they even came, but as soon as she opened the door they gave her a big hug. They then went ahead and saw their grandchild. Lily went ahead to say she didn't want anything to do with them just for them to see the grandchildren. They had no choice but to understand.

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