Part 7 How could you

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During this time Vlad was still not really getting better so Lily thought it would be best if Vlad went to a hospital, but IT didn't want him to because he was scared someone would come back and finish him off. They both had a whole argument over the situation. IT finally gave in and Vlad went to the hospital, he stayed there for days, the doctors told them that with him being in the condition he was in for so long made it worse for him and a long recovery ahead. He might be in the hospital even longer than they expected. But IT wasn't going to wait until he got better to figure out what had happened to him,

So the day IT went to fly to the king's palace to discuss the plan. The king was shocked to see him come this far. But IT had no time to chit chat with the king, he went ahead and asked him if he could help him find who did this to his friend. The king didn't mind and went ahead and called all the resources, it was a hard two weeks of a journey trying to get information, which they got no information or any lead idea. During that time Vlad had gotten better and was talking a little bit but not much. IT really thought things were going to go well for him but little did he know things would take a turn for the worst. They would have continued the journey but IT got a call from the hospital and asked if he could come down to the hospital, something had happened to Vlad.

So he took the next flight and rushed down there. When he got there the doctors had pronounced Vlad dead, IT was confused how he could be dead that quick when he was making progress. It was days after his pasting and IT was in denial about him being gone that soon.

Even though he couldn't believe that he was gone he went ahead and planned his funeral. The funeral was nice and everyone came to share their condolences. IT was the main one having a hard time dealing with it, but Lily was there for him during these times. But the whole situation didn't seem right with him. But later on the truth about everything would soon be revealed.

The king had sent an invitation for his family to come to the palace for a brief family emergency conversation. It was like something that was something that had to attend for important things to be discussed. So Lily, IT, and their daughter got on the first flight to the palace. When they arrived they got big hugs from the king and queen. They were kind of off to IT, but he didn't put much into that. The next day the palace was very quiet, so he went to find everybody when he heard someone talking he went to peek through the door to see what was going on. He overheard a conversation with the king and Lily,"but why did you have to kill him? You knew what I needed to do but you did it anyway."

He was going to tell it all and ruin you and me, I worked too hard for that to happen."But father I wanted to be free from this once and for all."How would you be free from it, did you forget you had a son."I would have told him all that, in fact I would have told him the whole truth." Enough of this nonsense, I don't want to talk about that, we need to be thinking about what to do with that child you have here."I can't tell him yet I'm not ready, when will you be ready when the child's an adult."Tell me what, what talk I hear about some child and how he wasn't supposed to die."Does someone want to tell me wants going on, honey it's nothing will talk about it later." No! I want to talk about it now, what's this baby I hear you have that you seemed not to have told me yet? Look it's a long story and don't think that you are ready to know yet, no I want to know now! Fine,"what are you doing don't tell him anything." No father, it's gone too far and I can't hold on to this, I'm tired of keeping this secret."

So it started when I was sixteen years old, and I was mad at my father like alway and sucked out of the palace and met a boy."And we talked for hours until I had to got back home, we agreed to meet at the same stop everyday."Soon or later we fell in love, but I found out I was pregnant and my father was angry and asked me to kill my baby, but I couldn't do that to my baby and I was in love and we were going to run away." But my father found out about the plan and made his destination mess up and he had to go to the head master." When I found out I would plead to my father to not hurt him but he didn't, so he didn't so they let him go and I had the baby. Then you found him and my father had to kill him when you tried to investigate and he killed him." That's the truth, I'm sorry, please forgive me." How could you think I would forgive you for something like that, my friend died and you knew who did it and would have told me about it, and now finding out about this baby of yours."I can't deal with all of this am leaving."Wait I'm sorry." I didn't mean for it to come out like this,wait....

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