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Right now
It feels like you will never be happy again
You will never smile again
You will never experience something like peace or safety

But don't stress
A lot of people tell me that but unfortunately they are right
We live around 90 years
That are 32.850 days and just 788.400 hours
After that we die. Gone. Forever.

Will you spent the short time you are here worrying?
Caring about other people's opinion?
Constantly being embarrassed about small things?
No one cares because everyone knows that they have to make the best out of it. Everyone is focused on their own life.
The only difference is that there are people like you and me who are still trapped in their morbid thoughts
And there are people who live their life to the fullest. Like we are supposed to do.

Remember: there is time and what you chose to do with it. Don't make the mistake and waste a life full of story's.

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