By the pricking of my thumbs

686 13 0

Outside person POV

The night was getting darker, and the lake was now deserted, bar a small figure on the shore. It slowly waded deep into the water and began its journey to the other side.

Water dripped off of their dark cloak. From the trees came a low, growling sound. Wings fluttered through the trees, and soft, padded footsteps joined them. From the lake, a ripping began, slowly approaching the shore. The figure spoke in a deep, slightly accented voice.

"I have summoned you, my kindred, my friends to avenge yourselves and I. For too long have we been persecuted, too long have normies raised arms against us. In the names of our noble forefathers, I call upon thee to enact your revenge.

"You will attack any trespasser on our old lands. They have no right to be here."
The figure smiled.

"Let's see how they enjoy the fire of revenge."

The figure glided across the lake. Throughout the blackened wood, creatures slithered, crawled and growled. And in the lake, a creature patiently waited, watching, for its next opportunity to strike.

Celia ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now