Hyde and seek

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Despite her brother's protests, Celia and Enid both accompanied Wednesday to the police station. Xavier offered to come, but Wednesday said,

"I don't think you're exactly in Tyler's best books, due to the whole, uhh, rivalry thing last term."

Xavier blushed.
"Uh, yeah. Right. Good idea."

They were walking very quickly down Jericho's streets. The pain in Celia's stomach grew slightly, but she ignored it, determined to continue.

However, Celia stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the path Wednesday wanted to take.

It was the same alley her father had attacked her in a few weeks ago.

"Can we go another way?" Celia called out.

Wednesday stopped and turned around.

Celia didn't respond.

"Celia? Why?"

"It doesn't matter."

Closing her eyes, Celia took a deep breath. Determinedly looking towards the end of the alley, she began walking.

The police station was quiet. Only a few people were inside. The sun had sunk over the horizon around 45 minutes ago, and the shadows of Twilight were creeping into the nooks and crannies of the Jericho buildings. Celia turned to Wednesday.

"Ok. How do we get in?"

"I unlock the doors. Enid, you're the most people friendly. Distract the guards."

"Uhh, how?"

"Use your acting cute powers."

"I don't have any acting cute powers!"

"Make some. Celia, you and I sneak in. Go to the computer. Delete last hours footage and loop the cameras. Wait. Do you know how to di that?"

"I think so."

"Great. Thing, distract the Sheriff."

Thing expressed his agreement.

"I'll unlock the doors to the jail. Then you both sneak in."

Enid seemed skeptical.
"This has so many things that could go wrong with it."

Wednesday have a crooked smile.
"I know. It's brilliant."

The minute Wednesday clicked open the door, Enid slipped inside. Watching the window, Celia could see Enid quickly burst into tears, pointing towards Nevermore. The guards awkwardly left the station. Wednesday, thing and Celia slipped through the doors. Celia slipped into a room, where the computer was conveniently left on.

"Yes." She breathed.

The cameras were fairly easy to loop. By the time Celia was finished, Enid was calling her.

"Celia, come on. Wednesday's done it!"

Surprisingly, there was no one else in the station. Celia guessed that Wednesday had something to do with it.

There was a set of double doors leading down to the jail. At the end of a long, dark corridor, a single occupant yelled in his chains. Tyler.

Wednesday approached slowly, her shoes making a loud clack on the floor with each step. Enid and Celia stood behind her. Enid whispered to Celia,
"Oh. I shouldn't have come either!"


"I fought him and attacked him!"

"Yeah that seems like a pretty solid reason to be as far away from here as possible."

Tyler noticed them.

"You." He growled.

"Hello," Wednesday said evenly, "the cockroach is back."

"Why are you here, Wednesday?"

"I want information."

Tyler laughed maniacally.
"You want me to help you?"


"You are unbelievable. You got me locked up in here, Wednesday."

"Actually, I believe that Laurel did that."

"Laurel is the only one who cares about me."

"Did you plan anything?"

Tyler looked confused.
"What? Plan what?"

"Kids are dying. Normie kids. Are you behind it or not?"

"Why would I kill normies? It's outcasts I want."

Celia chimed in.
"He has a point."

"Who are you?"

"Celia." She hesitated. "Celia Thorpe."

Tyler sneered.
"You're his sister, aren't you? You're as screwed up as him, no doubt. The whole lot of you are normie-hating psychopaths."

Wednesday stepped in front of him.

"That psychopath is my boyfriend."

A flash of hurt crossed Tyler's face. Then, to the trio's utter horror, his eyes bulged. Tyler grew, until he was large enough to break his chains. The bars were too thick to break, but one claw caught on Wednesday's dress.

"Wednesday!" Enid screamed.

Tyler's other claw prepared to disembowel Wednesday, and they couldn't do anything to help.

Suddenly, a dark zipped through the air, Tyler staggered backwards, then fell unconscious. A tranquilliser dart.

The trio looked back to see Xavier standing there, a bow in his hand. Celia sighed in relief, and her and Enid smiled at each other.

Xavier, however, wasn't smiling.

"Celia. You're needed."

Celia ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now