Lunch with a side of nightshade

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Another trigger warning- eating disorders.

Xavier and Celia rejoined their parents in the quad. Next to the fountain, a huge table of food boasted of cold cuts and sandwiches, cakes and pastries. Celia made to approach the table, but her mother stopped her.

"Celia. Wrist."

Celia gave her mother her wrist. Amalia wrapped her fingers around it.

"Not good enough. Just sit down."

Celia sat down at one of the tables, downcast and hungry. Xavier sat next to her.

"You not hungry?"

Xavier didn't know about their mother's fixation with eating.


Xavier looked worried.

"You sure? You probably need to eat something. Here, do you want my sandwich?"

"I'm not hungry," Celia said. Her stomach growled. Xavier was about to press for answers, but Amalia's icy glare stopped him.

Celia observed the other families in the quad with interest. Wednesday was sitting stony-faced with her glamorous, dark-haired mother and father. Enid was talking to her dad whilst her mother sat next to her looking pissed. Bianca sat alone.

Everyone seemed happy- apart from Wednesday who didn't know the word happy exists. Many people were glancing over at Celia's table. Their father smiled and waved. Celia hated how everyone looked at him. They saw a hero. She saw a psychopath.

Without warning, the door to the quad burst open. Everyone fell silent. Standing in the doorway was a man in a sheriff's uniform, with greying hair and a sombre expression.

"Who's that?" Celia whispered to Xavier.

"Sheriff Galpin. You know, Tyler's dad. Not sure why he's here. People have barely seen him since... well, you know."

Sheriff Galpin observed all the faces around him.

"Sorry to interrupt. I have an announcement."

"Sheriff, what is the meaning of this?" Principal Barlow asked.

Galpin sighed.
"Three normie children have gone missing. Lucy Hurst, aged 10, Jamie Goodwill, aged 12 and Becca Davidson, aged 7. Completely disappeared. They've been gone for a few days. Think it's related to the other two attacks on Lucas and that siren girl. Thought you should know." The sheriff began walking out, but stopped and turned. "There's something out there that's after both outcast and normie. If we don't find it soon, lots of people are going to die."

The door slammed shut behind him.

As their parents got back inside their car, both Xavier and Celia were silent. Amalia gave her daughter one last judgmental look. Vincent Thorpe didn't even bother looking at them. Watching as the car pulled away from the school, Celia felt broken. Nevermore was an escape from her reality, but Parent's weekend felt like a return to last summer. With his arm over her shoulder, Xavier led Celia away.

It was getting dark by the time dinner rolled around. Celia sat on a table with Martha, Enid, Xavier, Ajax and Wednesday. Martha's bubbly personality had made her fast friends with Enid. Wednesday was silent, as usual. As Enid and Martha chatted away, Celia, Ajax and Xavier stared at their plates.

Celia picked up a piece of bread. Every time she got it near her mouth, Amalia Thorpe's voice echoed through her head. Feeling as though her head was about to explode, Celia gave up on eating. Getting up, Celia went and chucked all her food into the bin, ignoring her creeping hunger. Xavier noticed.

"Hey, are you not gonna eat anything?"

"I'm just not very hungry."

"Well, you didn't eat at lunch either."

"You must be starving," Ajax added.

"I don't feel like eating."

"Just try something!" Xavier insisted.

"I said I'm not hungry!" Celia shouted. She stormed out of the room and up to the dorm. Lying face down on her bed, Celia began to cry. She didn't hear anyone enter the room.

"You were hungry." Wednesday said. It wasn't a question, just a statement.

"Not now, Wednesday. Surely you of all people can understand I want to be alone?"

Wednesday hesitantly sat down on the end of Celia's bed.

"I told you to go away."

"I'm not one for following rules."

"What do you want?"

"To understand. Something happened earlier today."

"Who told you; Enid? Xavier? Ajax?"

"My detective abilities are unparalleled. If there is something going on, I would be willing to tear out someone's heart."

Celia smiled at the sentiment.

"That sounds quite nice."

"Show me."

Celia removed her jacket. The barest hint of surprise flashed across Wednesday's face. Celia put it back on.

"Now you know. Hey, by the way, when did Xavier kiss you?"

Wednesday was silent. Celia was worried that she was finally about to meet her end.

"A few days ago. After our argument. He came up here to apologise. And then it happened."

"Why didn't you kill him?"

Wednesday paused.

"Because, for some inexplicable reason, I enjoyed it."

Celia was... shocked.


"Let's not talk about it. So, did you want to accept my offer?"

"It's very tempting. I think I just need a while to myself."

Wednesday awkwardly reached out and patted her arm. Without warning, her head shot upwards and she went stiff.

"Wednesday? WEDNESDAY?"

Celia ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now