Ch. 8 - Pt. 2 - Henbane and Poppies

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A fickle thing, really.
Something that can be taken away by the stroke of a painters brush.
By the brush of fate.

If one is to lose happiness, he may lose himself.
If happiness has been around for so long, being without it may drive him insane.
Insane with what?
Loneliness? Longing?

Longing for that same happiness.
Loneliness from missing what brought upon the happiness.
Being beside something for so long, you grow accustomed.
Fate can be so cruel, yet rewarding.

A fickle thing many long for.
Something as frail as a butterflies wing.
However, when happiness ends, there's always the scent of...



《{Warning: Doma, s/h, cussing!}》


"Oh, isn't the moon lovely tonight, my lovely Apple Blossom?"

Doma called from across the clearing.
(Y/n) groaned and shook his head.

"Let's just get this over with, you're staring to bore me to sleep."

(Y/n) yawned and reached for the hilt of his blade.
Just as he made contact, Doma vanished with a sly grin on his face, curling his eyes into cheeky crecents.
(Y/n) watched with narrowed and calculating eyes as Doma moved, analyzing his every stride.
Doma, noticing how easily the flower demon kept his eyes trained on him, began to pick up in speed.

Seeing this, (y/n)s lips curled into a mischievous smile as he relived his katana of its sheathed state and sliced his free arm.
The scarlet liquid poured out of the cut and seeped into the ground below until the cut healed over.

"Blood Demon Art: Bells of the Valley!"

(Y/n) called out and the groud where the blood was began to glow white until he stomped down on it with great force, causing the ground to spliter and crack under the pressure.

In seconds, lilies of the valley sprouted from the ground, covering the clearing in a carpet of white and green.
But there was something off about these 'harmless' looking flowers.
On the ends of their stems resided white bells, unlike the normal white bell-like flowers.

The bells began to chime quietly, but quickly picked up in volume and intensity as Doma moved through them quickly.

"Oh my! An adorable attack! I hope you're just warming up, though! I'd love to see a powerful attack of yours, my lovely Apple Blossom!"

By the time Doma realized what the chimes of the bells were doing, he was already almost completely immobilized by their song.
The melody from the flowers rung and pounded through his body as he was forced to crumple to the ground.
He felt like every muscle in his body was vibrating intensely at every small ring of the bells, unable to gather himself to stand again.

(Y/n), however, was unaffected by the song the deceiving flowers sang and was rather enjoying the loud melody they produced.
The moment Doma was down, his grip on his blade's handle tightened and he charged towards the opposing demon.

Unfortunately, before (y/n) could get close enough for even a ranged attack, Doma was able to will himself to grab a week hold on one of his war fans.

"Blood Demon Art: Freezing Clouds!"

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